The Clock Struck Ten_A SaiRatLekha OS

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Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, the hands of the clock ticked in her empty, but for her, room. Her feet unconsciously moved to and fro, to and fro, to and fro along with the clocks ticking.

Her arm resting upon her forehead, the other limply spread across the vacant side of the bed, she waited for the clock to announce the arrival of the twenty-second hour of the day.

As she waited, her thoughts flew back to the events of the evening that preceded tonight.

She was sitting on the dining table along with the entire Chavan Parivar, picking at her food, when Sai returned from the kitchen with a bowl full of Sheera. She observed her for a moment, predicting her path.

At last, she rolled her eyes, returning to the business of picking at the plate before her. Sai wasn't going near Virat, it did not matter.

When she looked up next, she was left flabbergasted. There was Virat, holding Sai's hand, the others, unaware. She giggled at something he said.

The nerve of him! In front of everyone, in front of- her! She would not tolerate it, she would confront him. Now.


The rest was stuck within her throat as she saw Virat kissing the back of Sai's hand.

Why was nobody noticing?!

She saw him pull Sai by her arm and whisper something in her ears. She laughed, out loud. That caught the attention of everyone at the table.

She saw Sai bite her lip, whisper an apology and sit down to eat, after everyone else threw her a perplexed look.

How could Virat do that?! How could he kiss Sai's hand? He insulted her! He insulted the promise he gave her. What does he see in Sai?!

It's all Sai's deed, she has put a spell upon him. Yes. This is not the Virat she knew; the one who met her in the Yoga resort.

And what were they talking about? She's been racking her brain to come with an answer since hours. What could he have said that made Sai laugh so much? If only she knew telepathy...
If only...

Her trance broke as the ancient pendulum clock rung 10 times. It was 10 O' clock in the night, time for her duty. She had been analysing their schedules since months, concluding that her duty would begin at 10. This duty she fulfilled every day, very responsibly. She was very conscientious when it came to this duty, done for a noble cause. She did it so well, she'd have beaten anyone who challenged her.

Just like every night, she stood up, and walked to their door.

As she walked, she thought of what excuse she would use tonight. She seldom paid attention to the path, having walked through it for several previous nights, she knew it like the back of her hand - which reminded her of the kiss on the back of the hand...

She could walk on it, blindfolded, and yet reach her destination precisely. Another talent of hers, it was.

Her musings declined when she realised she was before her destination. As she very well knew, it wasn't locked. Such fools they were! They let it remain open every night for her to easily access it. Delighted, she took a deep breath and pushed the door open.

What she saw, though, made her scream out loud.

Virat stood before the mirror, his arms around Sai's back, his head hidden within her hair. She could see it clearly in the mirror.

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