Dreams Come True_A SaiRat OS

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Where am I? the words echoed throughout in the vicinity as soon as they escaped Virat's lips. He ran his gaze across the foreign land; it seemed as though it was decorated for something, something special. The fairy lights shined, curled about the trees, beneath the stars, red fabric loosely hung in depressions, green grass, under the dark cover above, ran for miles in view.

Just as he was admiring the the vision before his eyes, he felt a pair of palms closing around his right hand. He knew this touch, it was... Hers.

But how could she be here? he thought. Nevertheless, he turned, and there She was. For a moment, his curiosity swept away, and he kept looking at her smiling face. Beneath the moonlight, she looked angelic. His own face wore a smile upon seeing her.

She turned and started to walk away; he followed.

She graced a Saree for the night. She had once said she didn't like them because she didn't wear them often. If only she knew how heavenly she looked whilst wearing one, what feelings evoke within him... If she only knew, he sighed.

She stopped in what seemed like the middle of the unfamiliar land, before a round, white table. Was this a date? he wondered, but brushed off the thought as soon as it had came. After all, why would She plan a date for them?

He looked at her still smiling face. The smile vanished as she opened her mouth to speak.

"I want to tell you something, Virat sir," said Sai.

"Go on, say it," he said, dreamily, not quite aware of himself.

Her eyes stared at the grass beneath their feet for a moment and then she looked up with an air of determination.

"Virat sir... I... I.. Virat sir, I-
You..." she spoke, or rather stammered.

He stared at her, perplexed. Was she really going to say what he thought she was? No, that just couldn't be It. But what else could it be if not It? He tried to read her eyes. What he saw puzzled him further. It just could not be It.

His trance broke as she spoke, "Virat sir... I..."

She sighed.

"Iluvoo" she blurted out in a single breath.

He could've sworn he had heard that, yet he couldn't bring himself to believe it, thus, he inquired, "What?"

She took a deep breath, stepped forward and stared into his eyes, drowning him in the ocean of her eyes.

"I love you," she breathed.

At that precise moment, several emotions took possession of him; from confusion to shock to realisation to delight to uncontrollable happiness.

He couldn't contain himself and pulled her in a bone-crushing hug, her feet dangling a few inches from the ground. Upon releasing her, he held her face in his palms, and said, "Sai, I can't believe this! Months and months I've been trying to confess, I feared rejection, but just as I gathered abundant strength, interruptions stood ready, armed; but I am so so happy tonight! It's like a dream come true... like a dream... if it is a dream, I don't wish to wake up."

"So... so you accept my confession, my feelings?
You, too-?"

"Yes, I do! I do!" he exclaimed, drowning her question.

"Sai, say it again, will you? Say it again..." he asked.

Her eyes lowered yet again and the colour of her face rose. Nevertheless, she plucked up the courage and said, "Virat sir..."

"Yes, yes, go on," encouraged Virat.

"Virat sir, wake up," she whispered.

"What?! Stop playing jokes on me, Sai. It's OK if you don't wish to say it again, but please don't play such a jok-"

"WAKE UP, VIRAT SIR," she thundered.

His eyes narrowed as he tried to understand what was happening. Just then, someone shook him.

His eyes opened to reveal Sai leaning against his chest. He foumd the reason for this quite quickly; he had caged her in his arms, she couldn't have broken those barriers and sat up.

He heard her speak his name again as she snapped her fingers in front of his eyes.

"What?" he asked, without releasing her.

"What do you mean by 'what'? Why were you doing... doing that?"

"Doing what?"

"That... you almost suffocated me in a..." she let her hands slide past her shoulders, almost crushing herself in her tight embrace, "you mumbled something like 'say it, say it again...", and then 'I do! I do!', and then... then I woke you up."

Realisation hit him slowly, but forcefully.

It was a dream. She did not confess her love to him. It was just a dream, a dream, not his reality.

He felt stupid, angry, and annoyed. Which more? He did not know, but having learnt from past experiences, he must not burst out on Sai, who had not done any wrong.

"Nothing. It was nothing. You can sleep again," he managed to say as he started removing his hands from her sides.


"No!" she repeated as she  held his hands and wrapped them around her firmly.

"What if the witch comes?" she asked, fear written all over her face.

"What?" he asked, not quite able to place what she had just said.

"Oh... the witch," he said as he realised she was talking about his work of fiction, but, of course, she did not know it was his work of fiction, and he would rather it stays such, because the day she gains this knowledge would be his doom's day.

"Don't worry, I'm here."

She tightened his grip around her and drifted into sleep.

Dreams do come true, but not all, but Virat knew, as he saw Sai, fast asleep, in his arms, his would come true. What if not today? One day, it would, and he will wait for it, without losing hope.

For those who are confounded about the couple o' last paragraphs, the dream succeeds the night Virat Chavan cooked a cock-and-bull story about a so-called Chudail and not-so-real Bargad ka ped to ensure Sai's stay in the room past night.

PS. Thank you for all the love on 'Tales of SaiRat'. It is unexpected and unbelievable for a person publishing fanfiction  for the first time.

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