Chapter 16

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Being grounded made Katie go into a deep thought. Byssa's words had been replaying nonstop in her head, what if Jotunheim wasn't as great as Barrett made it sound? What if it was actually worse than Claymore? That couldn't be true, Claymore had to be the worst place on Earth! There was literally nothing for Katie here, and Byssa should know that. Yet, the closer December came, the heavier her heart felt at the thought of leaving Byssa behind. 
However, staying behind was out of the question! Barrett was the first person in a long time who was actually there for her; he was the one who never left her behind, he protected her when Katie needed it the most. How long would Byssa be there until she thinks she's too cool to hang around Katie and leaves her for better people? In Jotunheim, Barrett would always be by her side! But what if Byssa was right about all those things? What if something happens between Barrett and her and he bails on her too, then what would she do? Would she go back to Earth with her tail between her legs or would she try to survive in Jotunheim alone? 
A frustrated sigh escaped the young teen's lips. It's so stupid, Katie was used to being the one who got cast aside, now she had to the same thing with Barrett and Byssa! She didn't want to hurt her friends, she didn't want to make the choice but she had too! If she knew how complicated having friends would be, then she would have just been a loner for the rest of her life! 
A knock at the door broke Katie from her thoughts. Before she could answer, Ms. Doris entered her room. Seriously, what was the point in knocking if she was just going to barge in anyways? 
"I need you to come downstairs, it's important." 
Katie let out a sigh, she was probably just going to make her clean the kitchen, which is hardly important, but Katie wasn't going to protest. She got up from sulking on her bed and followed Ms. Doris downstairs. 
Two seats of the kitchen table were occupied, but instead of Maríana and Anthony sitting there, it was two full grown adults. On the left sat a middle-aged woman with long dark brown hair tied in a ponytail that draped over the side of her shoulder. She was dressed in a white blouse that seemed a little tight considering how busty she was. She looked at Katie with her brown eyes and flashed her a warm smile. One the right was a man dressed in an army uniform. His hair was buzzed but she could tell it was dark, when he glanced over at her, Katie could see his eyes were gray, like intense storm clouds. 
"Katie, it's great to meet you." The man stood up and extended his hand out to shake it. "I apologize for not coming in better clothes, but I didn't have time to go home and change."
"What's going on?" Katie asked. "Do I know you?" 
Ms. Doris put her hands on the teen's shoulders. "This is David and Angie Martin, they are looking to adopt you." 
"What?!" Katie looked up at the two adults, who exchanged big grins across their faces. "Shouldn't you be looking for Maríana or Anthony instead?" 
David shook her head. "No, we were looking for a teenager to take care of." 
"We're a little too old to take care of a younger kid, and we just feel like we'd make a better impact on someone around your age." Angie took Katie's and gave her a reassuring squeeze.
Was this some kind of joke? People don't go out to adopt teenagers, they adopt babies and toddlers! But the Martin's just waltz in and claim they want her like she was some sort of neglected puppy who needs their care?! 
"Don't I get a say in this?" 
"Legally, no." Ms. Doris said. "But if you have concerns you are completely free to voice them." 
What Katie wanted to tell them was that it was a waste of time and money to even adopt her, she already had a game plan. She didn't need two people trying to play mommy and daddy involved in her life, it was too late for that. But of course, she couldn't mention any of that to them. She couldn't even be vague and say she was going to run away, not unless she wants these people on her case for the next month and a half!
"I just… don't know you guys yet."
Angie smiled. "That's okay, we can all spend time getting to know each other." 
"It'll be fine, Katie." Ms. Doris said with a sickenly sweet voice. "They're good people." 
Katie's heart began to race, all she wanted to do was scream because there was no way she could get out of this! She made an excuse to go to the bathroom and when the coast was clear, Katie quietly slipped down the hall and out the back door. 
She ran deep into the woods. Tears poured down her eyes as she tried to navigate around the rough terrain in the darkness but she finally stumbled upon the campsite of her friend. 
"Katie?" Barrett's voice softly spoke. "What's wrong?"
"Barrett, I'm getting adopted!"

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