Chapter 29

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The night sky had settled in peacefully, snow had stopped falling and the clouds were slowly clearing out, revealing the stars above, but the waves by the lake were growing restless as the portal was nearly open. The azure light slowly grew brighter towards the center of the lake, making the snow illuminate beautifully around them. If it weren't for the battered up giant and the military around, Katie would have thought this was a scene from a Christmas movie.
Barrett's wound was not as bad as he had thought, it had already stopped bleeding the moment Tymere and the military were patching him up with as much rope and cloth they could find for a makeshift bandage. It would hold up for his trip back home, but he would need to get it looked at as soon as he could. Katie found herself wondering past soldiers as she waited for Barrett to finish up his treatment, it was all so surreal to see them helping someone they had been prepared to gun down just hours ago. Then once the night is over, everyone will have to go on with their lives and pretend a giant didn't just live in their world for a month. How could anyone go back to normal after this?
"So, what are you going to tell the higher ups?"
Katie snapped out of her thoughts and saw she wandered near Tymere and David, who were further away from everyone else to speak in private.
"We already have enough evidence to prove that giants exist." David said. "We'll just say he got away."
Tymere raised an eyebrow. "Do you think they'll believe that?"
A deep sigh left the older soldier's lips. "I hope so, but they'll be more preoccupied with trying to research this new world now that they know it exists." His gray eyes wandered past Tymere and landed on Katie, his body stiffened the moment he saw her. "Oh hey, kid. How are things with uh…. Barrett."
"He's doing better." She said quietly. "He was talking about Jotunheim with some of the soldiers."
"Wow, he's finally opening up to us." A coy smile flashed onto Tymere's face. "Who would have guessed that not chaining him up like an animal would get him to finally cooperate."
David shot cold daggers in Tymere's direction, making him raise his hands up as a sign that he was going to back off, but his smirk was still visible. "I'm gonna go find Byssa."
David nodded. "You do that." An awkward silence fell onto him and Katie the moment they were alone. He avoided looking the teen in the eyes, instead choosing to start off in the distance. "So… he really has hemophobia."
"The what?" The suddenness of the soldier's voice nearly caused Katie to jump out of her skin.
"Fear of blood." David cleared his throat. "I just never expected to see someone so… large have such a little fear."
"Oh yeah, you should have seen the look on his face when I found out." Katie chuckled. "I swear, he was going to have a heart attack over a small cut on my cheek!"
"No kidding?!" David gave a toothy grin.
The two laughed and Katie saw a flicker of joy that was lost in the soldier's eyes. His laughter died down to embrace a more serious tone, however, the joy was replaced with a somber yet sympathetic look as he placed a hand on Katie's shoulder. "I'm sorry, for all the pain I have caused you during this time."
A gasp caught in Katie's throat, all the bitter emotions she had developed towards David had immediately melted away the moment she heard those words. She blinked away tears, "Barrett is going home now, and that's all that matters now."
"Gotta say, you're a lot braver than I was when I was your age." David said casually as he leaned up against a tree.
"Yeah, Angie would have loved you." He beamed.
Guilt threatened to grab hold of Katie, even after all David did, he still lost Angie because of her secret. She wondered if things would have been different if she told them who Barrett was, would Angie be with us right now or would Barrett have been on his way to Area 51 instead? "I wish I could have gotten more time with her."
David rubbed the back of his neck. "I know you probably have mixed feelings about me but if it's okay with you, we could start over."
The corners of her mouth perked up. "I'd like that."
The two embraced in a hug, warmth radiated in Katie's chest. David's hugs gave off the feeling as if he had known Katie and watched her grow up since day one. At that moment, the young orphan felt as though her feelings of being lost and alone drift away from her, now they were being replaced by acceptance and security, something that she didn't think she could ever obtain in her childhood.
"Yo, Katie! Where are you?!" Byssa's voice called out. "The portal is about to open!"
Katie broke away from the hug and looked David in the eyes, he gave her a nod which was all she needed before she took off.
A blue aura pulsated through the forest, Katie looked up towards the night sky to see the tower of blue light growing brighter. Time was almost up.
As she made her way to the lake, she could see Barrett kneeling by the shore as he talked to Byssa and Tymere.
"You got the names of all the missing persons?" Tymere asked.
Barrett patted his shirt pocket. "The notebook is safely tucked in here and put in the waterproof bag you gave me."
Byssa glanced around and locked on to Katie. "Oh, you're just in time!" She skipped over to her friend and grabbed her by the hand to hurry her over to the group. A wide smile was plastered onto her face. The two guys were also beaming with joy upon seeing her, it was hard for Katie to not be infected with their happiness despite this being a goodbye.
"So, this is it," Katie said. "Jotunheim is just on the other side."
"Yeah, I can't wait to see my mom again!" Barrett couldn't contain his excitement, he practically squealed as he finished his sentence. Six long months trying to survive in a world much too small for him and now he's finally going home. He earned this excitement.
"I'm really happy for you!" Katie cheered, but underneath her smile was a heavy fog of emotion that spread to the others. No one wanted to ask the question but there was no dancing around it anymore.
"So, do you still wanna come to Jotunheim with me?" Barrett went quiet as he inched an open hand to his friend as an invitation to start a new life in a new world. Katie's heart pounded in her chest; she was now stuck in a crossroad between two of the best friends she ever had, having to choose was going to break her heart and theirs as well. If only Katie had more time with them, if only it was easier to travel between worlds, then saying goodbye wouldn't have to happen!
Katie took a step towards Barrett's hand, but instead of jumping into his palm, she instead rested a hand on his fingertip. "I think I want to stay here for now, and try to figure out what I want to do with this life."
Barrett softly smiled and looked up at Tymere and Byssa. "I understand, you have good friends, I wouldn't want to leave them either."
"She sure does." Byssa practically tackled Katie into a hug and rested her arm around her shoulder. She was glowing with joy after seeing her friend was staying on Earth, but she also looked up at Barrett with somber eyes.
"You take care of her, alright?" Barrett teased.
Byssa pointed at Barrett with finger guns. "You know it!"
The giant began chuckling but it was cut short as waves grew reckless, the azure light grew further in the sky until the end could no longer be seen to the naked eye.
Barrett stared longingly out towards the lake. "I better get going."
"Will this be the last time we'll see each other?" Katie swallowed a lump that formed into her throat. She didn't want to cry anymore, but that didn't stop her voice from shaking.
"I don't know." Barrett whispered. "I hope not."
Katie wrapped her arms around his finger and pressed into a tight hug. "Then just promise me that you'll give me a sign you made it back safe."
"I promise, Katie." The giant's thumb brushed up against Katie's arm in circular motions, it was supposed to comfort Katie but she could feel his hand shake with each touch. She looked up at Barrett and saw watery eyes threatening to spill out. "Thank you for being my friend."
"Thank you for being mine." She sniffled.
Barrett slowly pulled his hand away; Katie had to resist the urge to tighten her grip, she let his finger slip away from her, yet the warmth still lingered on her skin. Barrett shifted his weight and stood to his full height.
"Take care." Byssa said.
"And stay safe, kid." Tymere added.
Barrett wiped the tears from his eyes and gave them a somber smile. He took a step forward into the water, once it touched his ankles he gave off a shiver, but he didn't hesitate, he kept moving towards the center of the lake. Soon he was close enough to the beacon that it was almost hard to make out his figure from the bright light.
The portal light started to become blinding, and Katie could no longer see Barrett. A knot formed in her stomach, did she make the right choice? Without thinking, Katie took a step towards the lake, she wanted to change her mind and join him in Jotunheim, she didn't want to be alone again!
Before her feet could even hit the water, Katie's hand brushed up against the fabric of the denim jacket she wore. She had nearly forgotten that Byssa gave it to her to keep her warm… her friend gave it to her. Katie was not alone anymore, she had friends from both worlds now.
The pillar of light slowly faded away and the woods was now dull. Tears rolled down Katie's cheeks as she dropped to her knees and let out a sob. She did so for a minute before Byssa came up and wrapped her arms around her. "Are you okay?" She asked.
"No," Katie exhaled, looking out towards the lake with blurry eyes. She almost hoped to find Barrett swimming back to shore, but he was nowhere to be found. He was heading back home. "But I will be."

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