Chapter 23

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Today was the day that beast would finally be sent to Area 51. It was exhausting watching after a giant for nearly a month but David was just thankful the guys over in Nevada were getting him before winter break started. All this time spent prepping for the giant's departure has left him with no time to spend with Katie, leaving her to hate him.
David wasn't stupid, he saw the glares she bore into him when she thought he wasn't looking, but he let her be angry. She was left alone with that giant for months before him and Angie came into her life, she was attached to him. So attached, that she couldn't actually see the dangers of being around him. She's only lucky she never got hurt.
The drive to school was silent like all the other times. David glanced over at Katie, who stared out the window. The reflection showed her brows furrowed together and her bottom lip stuck out. The usual pout she had refused to disappear since this whole mess started.
"So is your school going to do anything fun on the last day?" David asked, trying to break the tension.
"Wouldn't know." Katie responded in a blunt town.
David sighed. "Katie please, I'm trying to do everything I can to make you happy."
"Then let me see Barrett!" She snapped her head over to the adoptive father and locked eyes with him, anger clouded behind her irises.
"You know I can't do that."
"Why not?! It would be the least you can do before you ship him off to Nevada tonight!"
David's eyes widened. "You knew about that?"
"Yeah, I knew." She spat out. "It doesn't even make sense to ship him off because that portal is opening tonight, and this could all be over if you just let him go!"
"I just told my superior that giants exist and we caught one, but you just want me to let one go?! How's that going to look Katie? Especially when he killed….!" David choked back the words. Just uttering her name was enough to make him break down, and David didn't have time to fall apart right now. He had to make sure everything went smoothly for the transfer.
"You won't ever have to see us again if you just let him go!" She cried out.
David nearly slammed on the breaks when he heard that phrase. "Us? What do you mean by that?"
The young teen's eyes darted away. "I know you hate me for Angie's death, and that you'll just send me back to Ms. Doris' home once this is done."
"Where did you get that crazy idea?!" David snapped.
"Because that's what everyone always does!" Katie shouted. "If you hadn't adopted me, then Angie would still be alive! So now, once this is all over you can just get rid of me…. And I wouldn't blame you. So I'll go if you want, but I want my friend to come with me, and then you'll never see us again!"
Her tone of anger was replaced with sadness. David was in shock as he heard this. Has this girl been holding onto this guilt since his wife died, or did David's own grief lead her to believe she was at fault for all this? He pulled into the school and parked into the first open parking spot he found. No more avoiding the topic, the two had to settle this once and for all.
"Katie… I don't blame you for her death."
The young blonde stayed silent as she stared out the window.
"Please look at me." David gently put his hand on her shoulder to coax her into facing him. She slightly turned her head and saw the glassy look over her brown eyes. "Please don't feel guilty over her death, she wouldn't want that."
"I didn't want her to die." Her voice quivered as tears began streaming down the girl's face. "We never wanted to hurt anyone, but no one listened to me and now Angie's gone!"
David reached forward and pulled Katie into a hug. Sad to admit, but he and Angie didn't really hug her much because it seemed like she wanted space; but now, this girl needed to know she was loved. "Hey, it's alright, everything just happened so fast, and we all made mistakes."
"Why did you bring her into the woods?"
"I didn't." Tears wielded up in David's eyes. "I called to warn her that you were in trouble, but told her to stay home while I went and got you, but she came anyway."
"She did?"
"Yes, because she loved you so much, she was going to risk her own life to protect you." David's voice cracked.
Katie pulled away and wiped her nose with her sleeve. "But now, she left you alone…"
"No I'm not," David protested. "I still have you."
"After everything that happened, you would still care for me?" Katie gasped.
"Of course, I would! I wanted a kid just as much as Angie did, and I was just as ready to give my life for you too." He let out a chuckle. "I mean, I just spent tax dollars trying to protect you from harm. You may not be blood related to me, but You're still my daughter, and I'm never going to leave you."
Katie removed her glasses and wiped her tears away. She looked so taken back by David's words, so touched by his kindness. "Can I at least ask my father for one favor?"
"Anything." David said softly.
"Please… let me just see Barrett." Her voice was so quiet, it was like a plea.
David tightened his lips and looked away. "I'm sorry, but I can't."
Dead silence filled the car. He knew Katie was glaring at him, but he didn't have the strength to look at her as he stood firm in denying her request.
"Then I guess I lost everyone…" Katie grabbed her backpack and exited the vehicle, slamming the door in the process. David glanced up to the teen heading to school, still wiping her eyes.
A sigh had released from his lips. He wondered if he was being too harsh to her, but still couldn't help but feel annoyed. Even after all this time, Katie still wanted to see the giant. She still wanted to leave with him to the other world, and no amount of pep talk would break this spell he has on her. A gut feeling told him that he had to make sure she didn't see the giant and didn't leave this world, he knew what he had to do, so he reached down and pulled out his phone to make one quick call.

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