Chapter 11

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Halloween was approaching, and this would be the first year Byssa could celebrate it. She wanted her first time to be special. 
"So what did you do for halloween?" Byssa asked Katie.
"Well, I normally just take Maríana and Anthony out for trick-or-treating." She shrugged. "I've tried doing it too, but people around here don't like giving candy to anyone older than twelve." 
"That's so lame!" Byssa sighed and turned to Barrett. "What about you, big guy? Does Jotunheim have Halloween?" 
"No, but we have a tradition around this time where we climb to the mountains and sacrifice a food offering to the gods." 
"As interesting as that might be, I don't think sacrificing a slice of pizza would satisfy me." 
Barrett raised an eyebrow. "What's a pizza?" 
"You don't know what pizza is?!" Byssa exclaimed. 
"Should I?" 
"Only that pizza is like the greatest invention ever!" She turned towards Katie. "How could you not introduce him to pizza?"
Katie just shrugged. "It's not like a slice at Trevi's could fill him up."
"It would probably be better than twigs and berries." 
"I wouldn't mind some variety." Barrett chuckled.
"Then it's settled! We are gonna get Barrett some pizza!" She exclaimed.
"But how many pizzas will we need to get?" Katie asked. 
Byssa shrugged. "I don't know, four hundred?" 
"How are we going to get four hundred pizzas?!" 
"Would there happen to be any catering events in the town coming up?" 
"No but… there is a school dance coming up." Katie mumbled.
"Really?" Byssa hasn't heard of any dance coming up.
"Yeah, they broadcast it on the morning announcements every morning."
"Oh, I'm not usually in school in the morning!" She laughed. "But tell me more about the dance." 
"It's the Hallow's eve ball. Everyone gets dressed up and dances." She explained. "They also serve pizza from Trevi's." 
"Do you think there will be enough pizza there?" 
Katie shook her head. "Probably only a hundred seventy pizza slices there." 
"We don't have to get all that for me." Barrett said. 
"No, we are going to do this!." Byssa exclaimed. "We are gonna steal all the pizza from the Hallow's eve ball!" 
"But how are we gonna pull that off?" Katie asked. 
Byssa smiled. "I got a plan." 

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