Chapter 9

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The three girls had been acting weird since they ventured out in the woods. Sarah and Michelle used to constantly pick on Katie, but now they just seem to mind their business for the most part. However, Byssa would notice that whenever Katie walked away, the two girls would whisper to themselves. It was kind of creepy. 
Something about Katie seemed off too but Byssa couldn't quite put her finger on it. She tried to talk to Katie but she always kept her answers brief, like she didn't want to be around her. 
Byssa decided to take matters into her own hand and start asking other students about her. It seemed like everyone who knew her since elementary school had unflattering things to saw about her, she was a weird, she was stupid, and she was annoying. Annoying? The girl hardly talks! So Byssa would ask how she was annoying, and everyone would respond with the same answer; she desperately tries to be a part of their friend groups. But if that were the case, then why hasn't Katie tried to be friends with her? Either kids are holding onto the things she did in the past or something found something in the woods. 
Once the bell rang, Byssa made her way through the crowd of kids making their way to the buses. She spotted the short girl making her way to her bus, her blonde braids bouncing with each step. 
"Kaitlyn Marsh!" Byssa called out. 
The girl stopped dead in her tracks and turned around with a look of concern on her face. 
"I got some questions for you." 
"I don't want to miss the bus." She started to take a few steps back.
"Relax, this won't take long." Byssa marched over to her. "Don't you think Sarah and Michelle are acting strange?" 
"What do you mean?" 
"Well, ever since they went into the woods with you they've been acting very quiet now." She explained. "I mean, they even stopped picking on you." 
"You want them to pick on me again?" Katie scoffed. 
"No, not at all!" Byssa exclaimed. "It's just that they act really nervous lately… like they saw something in the woods." 
"Well I don't know what they could have seen because there was nothing in the woods." 
"But at first, you claimed there was." 
"I already said I lied about that!" She snapped. 
Byssa crossed her arms. "I just think it's weird that you suddenly claimed you lied the moment they started to agree with you." 
"Look, if I could take that back I would, they're mocking me for saying that and I don't need you to pick on me for it either!" 
"I'm not picking on you!" Byssa reassured. 
"Whatever, I gotta get to my bus." Katie sighed and shot Byssa a glare before disappearing into the crowd of kids. 
Man, that girl sure had a crappy attitude, but Byssa had to admit that Katie had guts to do that. Acting rude didn't really suit her. However, her questions were still not answered. Byssa let out a sigh, looks like she would have to pay Katie a surprise visit. 
Byssa checked the address on her phone, two eighty two Snowhill road. It seemed that everyone knew where the orphan girl lived, and Byssa couldn't be more thankful for Katie's reputation right now. Now all she had to do was find the old run down wooden house, couldn't be more simple! 
However, when she made her way down the road she noticed two familiar faces at the house. 
It was Michelle and Sarah! They were talking to a redheaded boy and a dark haired girl on the front lawn. She couldn't hear anything they were saying but she saw the little boy nod and point over at the woods that loomed behind their house. The two older girls waved goodbye and walked into the woods. 
A knot formed in Byssa's stomach. She knew they were looking for Katie and there could be no good reason for them to be doing that. Katie was in danger, and she had to save her. 

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