Chapter 25

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Music blasted through Byssa's ears as she used her iPod to try and drown out the grim reality that Katie would rather risk her life to save some possessive giant over a normal life with her. Fortunately, Byssa saw Mrs. Pierce take Katie away, so at least she won't get herself killed trying to break into a military base. But it still won't change the fact that Katie would never care for her again. Why did love have to suck so much?
The bus stopped near her neighborhood and Byssa stepped off. The frigid air had just begun to sprinkle the ground with snowflakes. Byssa shivered and hugged herself as she walked home. The weather said it was supposed to snow up to five inches tonight, so she really hopes her brother doesn't get hold up trying to transfer Barrett. She'd really hate to start this winter break alone all night. She just wants this whole Barrett thing to be over with so she can be with Tymere!
As she made her way to her house, she saw Tymere's black jeep parked in the driveway. He shouldn't have been home for another three hours, unless they were already done with transferring Barrett and he was already on his way to Area 51. As she entered her house, she noticed that it was dead quiet, Tymere was sitting on the sofa in the dark with his face buried in his hands.
"What's going on?" Byssa asked. "I thought you'd be at the base transferring him."
Tymere looked up at his little sister. "Martin sent me home early because he thought I was too distracted by your scuffle at school today."
Byssa crossed her arms. "Oh well, thanks for picking me up."
"I just got home thirty minutes ago." Tymere sighed. "Besides, I didn't want to leave because I wanted to help Barrett."
Byssa raised an eyebrow, something was off. "You mean, you wanted to help him out when he got transferred to Area 51?"
"No, I mean, help him get home."
"Why would you do that?!" A wave of emotions crashed into Byssa, at first she wasn't sure if she heard Tymere right. Growing up, her brother tried to follow their parents' strict rules; surely he wouldn't commit treason for a stupid giant! But when she looked into his brown eyes, she saw how serious he was. "He killed someone."
"He didn't mean it." Tymere said calmly.
"So what?!" Byssa snapped back. "He still did it!"
A grim look appeared on Tymere's face. "That day was a tense moment for everyone, as bad as that was for Angie, I can't fault Barrett for what he did."
"So you just wanna throw away your life for some giant because he didn't mean it?!" Byssa scoffed. "You're going to get arrested!"
"I know-!"
"And if you get arrested, I would have to go back to mom and dad!" Tears pricked the corners of her eyes.
Tymere rushed over to his sister's side and embraced her with a hug. "You're not going anywhere, Bys."
"I will if you get caught."
"I haven't done anything yet, because I'm not sure how I can even get him out without putting you at risk." Tymere reassured. "I want Barrett to go home but the last thing I want is for you to go back to mom and dad's house."
"Then don't do anything." Byssa pleaded. "Stay home and let Barrett go to Area 51."
"That would be the easier thing to do." Tymere admitted. "But whenever I have to guard a giant, all I see is a kid who is lost in an unfamiliar world and all I can think about is how awful it would be if he never got to see his family again."
"Well, I don't care!" Byssa pulled away from her brother and stomped over to the couch. "He was going to take Katie away from me, so why should I care if he never sees his mommy again?"
A sigh escaped from Tymere's lips. "Remember when you first told me about Barrett, and how Katie was only going to Jotunheim because she was scared to get close to anyone?"
"Do you think you might be doing a similar thing right now?"
Byssa scoffed. After everything Barrett has done, her own brother was trying to go against her? She headed towards the stairs because she couldn't believe what she was hearing, but Tymere grabbed her arm before she could make it up the steps. His grip was soft but firm.
"Barrett was going to take Katie away from you forever, so now you wanna keep Barrett away from his home."
"Barrett can go back to his stupid home if he wants too!" She snapped back, giving Tymere a stone cold glare.
Tymere raised an eyebrow. "But if he doesn't that means Katie will never leave this world."
Byssa chewed on his words, she wanted to tell him that he was wrong and that it didn't matter if Katie never left Earth, she would always resent Byssa for taking Barrett away. But deep down, she knew that that didn't matter, Katie could hate her for the rest of her life, but as long as she knew that Katie was safe, then Byssa was content. She huffed and crossed her arms. "Okay, so does this make me the bad guy now?"
"Not at all." Tymere wrapped his arm around the young teen. "I'm glad you noticed that Katie was doing something reckless and I'm glad you told me about this. But keeping Barrett captive here is wrong. If you were trapped in Jotunheim, would you want giants to keep you from coming home again."
The tough demeanor faded away as she looked up at her brother, to never see Tymere again would be a cruel fate. The regret she felt for ratting out Barrett washed over her, there was no way she could undo the things she did, but there could be a way to make it up to him and Katie.
"So how should we free Barrett?"
Tymere crossed his arms. "What do you mean, we?"
"Listen, if you're going to do something stupid, I'm going to, and you're not talking me out of it!" She gave a smug smile. "Besides, I'd rather get arrested than get shipped back to mom and dad's house."
Tymere chuckled and shook his head. "Fair enough, but if we're going to do this, we need Katie. Do you know where she lives?"
"Yeah, but I know where she is at this very moment."

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