Chapter 5

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Normally, Byssa didn't care to be in math class on time, but she wanted to hear about this beast in the woods. Ever since she moved to Claymore, it's been extremely boring. So why not entertain this crazy story about something in the woods? 
She walked in right before the bell rang, and immediately noticed that Katie wasn't in her seat. Michelle and Sarah were there but instead of looking like perfect little Barbie dolls, they looked like a complete mess! Their hair was matted, and dark circles were under their eyes. She even noticed Sarah was wearing the same blue Hollister shirt she wore yesterday. 
"What's wrong with you two?"
"There's a monster in the woods!" Sarah exclaimed. 
"Are you serious?" 
Michelle nodded. "It was huge and it nearly got us!" 
Byssa raised an eyebrow. "So then where's Katie?"
The two girls glanced nervously at each other. Something about their demeanor didn't sit well with Byssa. 
"I think she's dead…" Michelle said quietly. 
No way! This 'monster' in the woods was just some story that parents told their kids to keep them out of trouble, right? So that meant Katie couldn't be dead! But the looks that were plastered on their faces seemed so genuine. Something clearly happened in the woods and Byssa was sure Sarah and Michelle did something to her!
Mrs. Briggs got the class's attention and told them to turn to some page in the textbook, but Byssa didn't care. She was ready to jump across the desk and pin one of the girls to the ground and demand they tell the truth! 
"Sorry, I'm late!" 
Byssa thought she was hearing things, but when she turned to the door, she saw that tiny blonde girl standing there. Unlike her bullies, she didn't look like she had just rolled out of bed. She handed the teacher the homework and then shuffled over to her seat. Meanwhile, the two girls just stared at her in shock.
"You're alive?! Sarah exclaimed. 
"Yeah…. Why wouldn't I be?" 
"We thought the beast had eaten you!"
Katie shot them a confused look. "What are you talking about?" 
"The monster you told us about!" Michelle said. 
"Guys, please drop it!" 
"Are you insane?" Sarah snapped. "We have to tell someone about this before that thing tries to destroy the town!" 
"Stop, this isn't funny!" Katie pleaded. "You don't have to keep making fun of me!" 
Byssa raised an eyebrow. "What's going on?"
"I lied, okay!" Katie shouted. "I made up the monster story just so I can get someone to help me find my backpack!" 
"No, we saw the monster!" Sarah exclaimed. 
"Look I'm sorry I tricked you guys into going in the woods with me but can you please stop mocking me!" Katie's voice cracked as she pleaded with the girls. 
The whole class was eavesdropping on their conversation. It was just sad, Byssa had to end this. She shot her hand up in the air. "Mrs. Briggs, Sarah and Michelle keep teasing Katie and it's distracting me from my work!" 
"Girls, if you don't stop, then the whole class will have to do extra homework!" 
Mrs. Briggs shot them a look. "I guess we'll be doing questions one through ten for homework!" 
The whole class began protesting, causing Michelle and Sarah to shrink back in their seats. That seemed to shut them up. 
Byssa glanced over to Katie to gauge her reaction. She noticed the girl let out a tiny sigh of relief, something didn't seem right about this whole story. It seemed like a lot of trouble for Katie just to get help looking for her backpack. She was hiding something, and Byssa planned on finding out. 
It was history time for Katie, but instead of going to Mr. Haller's class, she decided to head to the library. She wanted to know about the history of Claymore and the mysterious forest that surrounded it. She signed onto a computer and began her research. 
Anyone who grew up in Claymore knew about the disappearances, many of the victims disappeared around the eighties and the last case was in December of two thousand, but Katie didn't realize just how far back these disappearances went! They started in the eighteenth century, when settlers and Native Americans were battling for territory. It seemed like the Natives were winning, but then one December night, they went into the woods and were never seen again! 
Sources speculate that the settlers ambushed them and killed them all, but Katie had other ideas. A giant in the woods could certainly explain the disappearances, but Barrett didn't look old enough to be kidnapping people from the seventeen hundreds. Perhaps there's more giants hiding in the woods? 
Katie let out a sigh, ever since last night she had been debating with herself about going back in the woods. Going back there could lead her to her death, but she knew if she wanted answers, she would have to confront Barrett again. If she did, she knew she would have to go about approaching him carefully, otherwise, Katie would end up being the first disappearance in ten years. 

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