Chapter 20

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Angie was washing the dishes off from this morning's breakfast. The home was quiet, but more life had breathed into it since Katie moved in. Sure she didn't talk much and was distant, but Angie understood. The poor girl had been alone for a long time, of course she was reserved. But Angie was certain she would come around by Christmas! 

The sound of her phone went off from the table. Angie went over and saw David on the caller ID. That's odd, he normally calls after lunch. 


"Angie, where's Katie?" A sense of urgency came from his voice. 

"She left to go to the woods with her friend Byssa." 

"Oh god!" He screamed out. 

"What's wrong?"

"Granite just informed us that there's some sort of giant beast in the woods! Katie's been going out there for months!" 

"Beast?!" Tightness formed in Angie's stomach. "What does that mean?" 

"I'm not completely sure, but he's the older brother of Byssa. If Katie has been doing something dangerous, she would know." 

Angie ran to grab her burgundy coat by the door. "I'll go find her and bring her home." 

"No!" David ordered. "Granite and I are going out with a small force to check it out. We'll get her and send her home." 


"Angie, it could be dangerous! If there really is some giant beast, I don't want you to put yourself in danger!" 

"Fine…" She sighed. "But you need to call me as soon as you get her!" 

"I will, I love you Angie." 

"I love you too." 

The phone went silent and the light that filled this house suddenly disappeared; only to be replaced by a cold dread. Angie knew David was right, that he should take care of whatever was in the woods while she anxiously waited for the call, but she refused to sit by while Katie was in danger! She put on her coat and bolted out the door, she didn't care what kind of beast was in the woods, she was going to protect Katie no matter the cost. 


"So what happened next?!" Barrett asked in anticipation. 

"Okay, so after they got out of the cave, Vix and Jean ran to their spaceship, they knew they couldn't let the General get far with the Ruby of Radiance!" Katie explained. "They were going to have to intercept him before he got to the Glorfarian territory!" 

"Did they make it?" 

"I'm not sure, the next comic doesn't release until next month." 

"Aww, man!" Barrett sighed. "Will it at least be released before we leave?" 

"I hope so…" Katie said. "They haven't given the official date though, so I can't be too sure." 

"I wish I had comic books in Jotunheim." 

"Gotta admit, I think I'll miss reading comics the most." She admitted. 

"Hey, I have an idea! What if Byssa sends us comics through the portal!" Barrett exclaimed. 

Katie's lips tightened, she didn't have any idea how to tell Barrett the news about Byssa. Honestly, she didn't even have a full day to process it herself! It just seemed unreal that Byssa would say those mean things about her. If Barrett heard what she said, he might go crazy! Even if Katie was mad at her, Byssa didn't deserve to have an angry giant on her case. Maybe before she leaves, Katie could patch things up with Byssa. 

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