Author's note

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Thank you all for going on this journey with me. It's hard to believe that I started writing SITW back in 2020 during covid, and 3 years later I am finally finishing it. I know it sometimes took forever for me to continue writing but I am so glad I persevered through the dark times to bring the characters of Katie, Barrett, Byssa, and the others to life, because this was something I wanted to do since I was 18 years old! I will always tell people to never give up on their writing and this is no exception!

I do however wanna announce a break from writing for now. During these past 3 years, I have gone through moments of depression and I feel that has affected how I feel about writing. At some point I have started to make writing feel like a chore to do and I really want to end that feeling. I think I'm heading into the right direction right now because these last few chapters were not feeling like a chore, but I think it is best for my writing and my mental health that I take a break for a bit. I may upload a few things here and there but I am going to focus on other stuff in my personal life for now.

You can always reach out to me here or at smolgloves on tumblr.

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