Chapter 17

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The days leading up to moving into the Martin's home was a blur. She had moved into a small home office base. Angie was always home, so the place was always neat and tidy. When she first arrived, Katie would look at all the pictures of the wall; most were the two of them on various vacations, but there were some that had the rest of their families together. 
"Soon there will be pictures with you in them!" Angie had said. 
But that's not what Katie wanted. She had a better plan than to be with some military family! Her new life was going to be loads more fun than whatever the Martin's had to offer. So ever since then she had been hoarding herself up in her new room. 
She'll admit, her new room was nicer than the last one, spacious and carpeted. The paint on the walls didn't chip either. It actually felt cozy to huddle up in. She spent all her time reading Galactic Territories in her bed, the only shame Is that once Katie leaves this earth, she won't ever be updated on this series again. What will happen to Vix and Jean? Will they be able to find the Ruby of Radiance? Can they stop the Aphibinites from invading Vix's home planet? There were so many comics Katie will never be able to read again, she didn't want to be left on a cliff hanger but that was going to be a small price to pay if she wanted to go on her own adventure. She's just going to have to make up her own ending when she goes to Jotunheim. 
A knock on her door interrupted her thoughts. Katie sighed and went over to the door. David's tall frame stood before her, dressed in cargo pants and plain blue t-shirt. 
"Hey, I know you're still getting settled in but I wanted to see how you're doing?" 
"I'm fine." She replied bluntly. 
"You've been cooped up all day, would you like to do something?" 
"No thank you," Katie replied. "I'd rather just read my comics." 
"Comics, huh?" David inquired. "What kind do you read?" 
A tightness formed in Katie's throat. She couldn't mention that it was Galactic Territories, what if he knew about the controversy that surrounded the series? 
"Oh I forget what it's called." Katie played off nonchalantly. "It's some space comic a friend showed me." 
"You know, I used to read a lot of comics when I was your age, I was a big fan of Tiger Man!" He chuckled a bit. "Hey, what if we go to that comic store in the mall?!" 
"You mean, Rick's Collectables?" 
"Yeah, that one!" David exclaimed. "It'll be fun!"
Katie hesitated to answer. She didn't need to bother entertaining this bonding moment with David; however, it's been awhile since she went to the mall, and maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to collect a few more comics before she goes off to the new world. 
Katie walked down the aisles, with colorful characters on the covers of the comics. Her english teacher tried to say comics aren't real books, but that's not true! Comics were more than just buff dudes punching bad guys and ladies in tight clothing. Each character has a unique story to tell within the pages. Their backstories, their successes and failures, their relationships with others. Superheroes were just more relatable than those Shakespearean characters schools always make kids learn about, teachers just don't understand! 
The latest issue of Galactic Territories rested on the new releases shelf and Katie immediately reached out to look through it. She saw Jean and Vix wandering through the cave searching for the Ruby of Radiance, but Vix is claustrophobic and holding tightly onto Jean, then the entrance to the cave collapses and Vix is hyperventilating! Jean needs to calm her down, so she holds Vix's cheeks and-! 
"Hey, whatcha got there?!" David asked, walking up to Katie. 
"Nothing!" Katie flipped through the pages to a safer panel. "Just looking at the new releases." 
"Galactic Territories…" He murmured. "Not sure if I know about that one." 
"It must be a new series." 
"Well, if you're interested, I'll buy it for you." 
"Sure, it's great to try out new things." David smiled. "But I have to ask a very important question." 
"What's that?" Katie gulped. 
"Who would win in a fight? Frost-Iron or The Glitch?" 
Katie scoffed at such a ridiculous question. "Uh, Frost-Iron! What could The Glitch do?" 
David gasped as if he was offended. "But The Glitch could electrify an entire room!" 
"Yeah if there's an electrical appliance nearby!" Katie argued. "Frost-Iron lives in a cave on Mt. Everest, there's no technology there!" 
"Who says they were gonna fight on Mt. Everest?"
"Where else would Frost-Iron be?" 
"Uh, he leaves Mt. Everest in issue fifty-seven." 
"Yeah, but he would know better than to fight The Glitch in a location where electricity would be conducted from him!" Katie protested. 
A coy smile appeared on David's face. "And you think The Glitch wouldn't bring something with him?" 
"It's not like he learns the first thousand times he gets captured by Rodeo Man!" 
"I guess you gotta point there." David chuckled. "I guess we'll have to find out who's better whenever they decide to make the movie." 
"But that won't happen until twenty-fifteen!" 
"Well then, let's make a pact to see it once it comes out." 
Katie tightened her lips; she couldn't make that pact, no matter how much she wanted to. Comic books weren't the only thing Katie was going to miss out on, she was going to miss out on seeing all sorts of shows and movies she wanted to see! At the time, it didn't matter to her, but with Byssa and now David wanting to see all the nerdy superhero movies she liked, Katie started to feel like she was going to miss out on something in her life. 
She looked up to see David with a goofy smile on his face, she isn't even legally adopted, yet he is so sure she is going to be in his life for a long time. How can he be so sure if he doesn't even know her? People always find a reason to abandon her, even those who were supposed to be parents to her. 
Katie put on a fake smile. "It's a deal!" 
"Great, now let's get some ice cream!" He beamed. 
His smile seemed so genuine and confident, he had no idea what Katie had planned on doing soon, if he was going to actually keep his word and be in her life, then Katie had just broken a promise with him.

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