Chapter 24

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The plan was all set; Katie was going to take a bus down to Fort Clemmons, then she was going to find a way to sneak in and break Barrett out. The only issue was that the nearest bus stop is a ten minute walk from the school and the bus leaves at two-forty! She would have to high-tail it just to get there, but it was the only plan she had!
As she walked down the crowded halls to her locker, Katie glanced at Byssa by the water fountain, she was wearing a black and purple striped sweater, and ripped black jeans. The two haven't spoken since that day, and they likely never will now. A mix of emotions swirled inside Katie every time she saw the young goth, she was angry and upset, but mostly, Katie wanted to know why she did that to Barrett.
Katie was so preoccupied in her thoughts that she didn't notice a person in front of her and slammed into them.
"Ow, watch it, loser!" A shrill voice growled.
"Sorry." Katie replied shyly as she adjusted her glasses. She looked up and saw Sarah glaring at her, Michelle was also staring her down with an annoyed expression. A tightness formed in Katie's throat, as she tried to scurry away from her bullies. 
"Hold it!" Michelle's voice commanded.
Katie did just that and froze in her tracks as the two girls marched towards her, then hands grabbed onto her shoulders and Katie was roughly slammed against the wall. Katie struggled to break free but Michelle's grasp on her was too strong, gasps erupted from the crowd of students around but no one did anything as the girls glared down at the blonde with sinister smiles.
"Heard your big monster friend got locked up." Sarah hissed out. "And it looks like you're only kinda normal friend isn't talking to you either."
"Yeah, so what?" Katie grunted.
Michelle chuckled. "That means no one is here to protect you."
"And we haven't forgotten about the time you got us in detention for a month after the incident at the Hallow's Eve Ball." Sarah remarked.
"Let me go!" Katie struggled as much as she could. "I have bigger things to worry about."
"Yeah, you do." Michelle scoffed as she adjusted her grasp on Katie and freed one of her arms. She bawled her hand up into a fist.
Katie instinctively flinched as the fist was about to strike her, but before it could connect to her jaw, a flash of black and purple rammed into Michelle and tumbled to the ground. Katie stumbled to her knees, the feeling of bruising could be felt forming on her shoulders. She looked up and saw Byssa pinning Michelle to the ground as she struck her multiple times! Michelle tried to block her swings but Byssa had the advantage after she caught her off guard. A crowd of screaming teens had begun to clog the halls as they watched Byssa pummel the basketball player.
Sarah responded by charging after Byssa and grabbing her from behind. She pulled on her hair, which left Byssa no choice but to get off of Michelle and deal with Sarah. She quickly spun around and clocked Sarah in the face, sending her sprawling backwards in the cheering crowd. Then she turned back to Michelle who was standing up, blood dripped down her nostril and her brown eyes were filled with rage! There was no way she was going to let Byssa blindside her again, but yet, the young goth didn't stand down. She just glared at Michelle, and took a step forward.
"KNOCK IT OFF!" A female voice hollered out. Everyone went silent as Mrs. Biggs pushed through the crowd. "What is going on?!"
"Byssa attacked us!" Sarah whined as stumbled through the crowd cupping her right cheek.
"Yeah, for no reason!" Michelle added.
Mrs. Biggs crossed her arms and stared at Byssa. "Well?"
But Byssa didn't say a word, she knew nothing she said would matter to a teacher that already didn't like her.
"Alright let's go to the principal's office then!" The teacher demanded. She grabbed Byssa's shoulder to guide her out of the crowd, but not before the girl locked eyes with Katie for a quick moment. That stone cold glare dropped for a second, showing tears that threatened to fall.
"Everyone get to class!" Mrs. Biggs yelled out as she and the three girls walked down the hall.
Everyone dispersed and went to their classes, but Katie still stood there confused. She made it clear that she didn't want to be friends with Byssa, the two hadn't spoken since that day; yet, Byssa still defended Katie from Sarah and Michelle. Why? It didn't make sense! There was already too much stuff going on, but now Katie needed to talk to Byssa before school ended.
It's been awhile since Byssa had been in the Detention room. She tried to stay on her best behavior so she could always stay with Katie, being good for someone who tossed her aside like trash. But even then, Sarah and Michelle deserved it, so even if Katie could never forgive her, Byssa can at least take satisfaction in beating the crap out of them. She just wished her brother didn't have to be at work so he could have picked her up. Then she wouldn't have to be stuck in a room with the oldest artifact in Claymore's history; also known as Mr. Herd. Not sure why the school still keeps him around because he barely stays awake throughout the whole day!
A knock on the door broke the silence in the room.
"Come in." Mr. Herd called out.
The door opened and Katie shuffled into the room holding a bunch of papers. "Um, Mrs. Biggs wanted me to deliver Byssa's class work.
The young rebel rolled her eyes and looked away from Katie as she walked up to her desk and placed the papers in front of her. Neither of the girls uttered a word to each other, it only took a second but it felt like an agonizing eternity for Byssa. As soon as Katie left, she let out a big sigh. Why did that shrew of a teacher even bother to hand out work on the last day before winter break? It's not like she was going to do any of it. She glanced down at the work and noticed a loose sheet of notebook paper underneath the math work.

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