Chapter 5

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While those entertainers were fun to look at and listen to. I feel we must be getting back on track, there is so much to look at within this story and I can feel everything beginning to change. I must say this is the point where things get interesting. 

Dream's POV

'His hand traveled up my leg, making contact with the waist band of my jeans. Slowly pulling them down a little, revealing unmarked pale skin. His other hand traveled up my chest teasingly pulling up my shirt, his hand made quick work before he was grabbing my chin forcefully. Turning my head to connect a kiss, our tongues danced, slowly and passionately. I lost the fight for dominance and let him do as he pleased. Using his hand he kept my head back, resting in the crook of his neck-the smell of blood and vanilla filled my senses-while his other moved from the waistband of my pants, traveling down my tight jeans towards my crotch. He rubbed over the tented area slowly palming me, I let out a small whine once he stopped. A low chuckled filled the room as he bite my ear and undid my buckle opening my pants, sliding his hand down into my underwear-'

I woke up in a cold sweat, rubbing my eyes I looked around the room and groan. I fell back on my sweat filled bed and looked over at my clock '4:30', I turned on my side towards the wall. It has been a week since college started and I have been finding myself waking up earlier and earlier in cold sweats after a wet dream, the same dream over and over again. I don't even know why I am thinking these things. Might as well make some coffee while I'm up...I walk into the kitchen and pull out a coffee pot and a mug. Waiting patiently for the coffee to finish brewing, I looked on my phone at Facebook.

Breaking News!!!

3 people shot and killed downtown, reports say the victims were part of the drug trafficking group. Police saying it's a deal gone wrong, but others are suspecting foul play. Earlier today we were brought some surprising news, apparently the FBI has arrived in town. They were seen at the police station late last night, an inside source says they are here to investigate the mysterious man known as XD. Other are saying it is related to the recent killings of the suspected drug dealers.  

In other news today we have a local kids group volunteering to help rebuild the church prime garden, they are hosting an event for anyone who would like to volunteer and help later this week around 12. Now onto the weather...

I felt myself smile at the news, XD? He was starting to pop up more and more in the news, almost as if there is finally evidence against the man to an actual existence. Of course they would finally be pointing towards the old folk lore tale, the police are shit in this town. It's run by the mafias and loonies of the world, somehow the SMP draws them all here. People should learn to never trust some one who is happy to live here. But I can't seem to understand is why the FBI are interested. 

If the police have barely been able to believe in the legendary fairytale, why the hell would the FBI? There must be something definite for the FBI to be so sure, I wonder what mistake the infamous XD could've made. That thought rang in my head...what mistake was made?...They wouldn't be here unless someone brought them evidence proving he is in fact a real person but who would do that no one has ever caught evidence of him in action. At least people have seen these Mafia groups in action on the streets, no recorded evidence besides a couple of photos but everyone knows there is no rumor without some truth to it. Nothing to worry about for now... I grabbed my coffee and moved to the couch, wrapping myself up in blanket. There wasn't much more to the news this morning, which was unusual. Normally there would be article after article about different topics with either a new story or an update. It was currently 5 and I didn't have any classes until 10. I watched YouTube, trying to distract myself and pass the didn't really work out so I decided to go to the library. 

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