Chapter 11

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Don't mind me...I'll just be here with the update.

Technically still on break but since everyone has been patient here is a short chapter.


3rd Person's POV

The day following the meet up, The syndicate, Eggpire and Las Nevadas decided to have a meet up between group. It was a perfect time frame since there was no school because of Game week. They were inside the Eggpires territory, using one of the meeting rooms. "Is anyone going to tell us why we are here?" Nikki asked as everyone settled into the meeting room. "Business." Phil responded, Bad started off the meeting. "We are all here today for one reason, we need to get the FBI out of this city. Lately they have been sticking their noses in our business, so we need to get them out of here sooner rather then later."

No one objected to the thought, Feds were never really a happy place for the groups so everyone agreed.

5 hours. It had been 5 hours and they came up with one plan. It was the only plan that seemed possible, the FBI didn't joke around like the normal law enforcement. They had tight schedules, back up plans, eyes and ears everywhere. There were holes in the schedules but very small ones and if you blinked you would miss them. Everyone was tired and on edge. Just in time for an old friend to show up.

"So what have you come up with?" A new voice echoed through the meeting room. People drew their weapons and kept it trained on the voice. "Oh? No warm welcome? That's fine." Techno, George, Sapnap, Quackity, Phil, Punz, Bad, and Sam recognized the voice and the figure. Techno, Bad and Quackity motioned for everyone to lower their weapons. Hesitantly everyone did.  "Now that's better." The figures smile gleamed through the light. "Techno who the hell is this?!" Wilbur asked as he kept his eye trained on the smiling figure.

"Yes Techno. Who am I?" The figure said teasingly. Techno curled his hands into a fist. He felt like a damn puppet, someone else was calling the shots and holding the power. Techno hated the  feeling of being weaker then the rest. "Everyone, meet our employer." Dread filled their guts, eyes widened around the room. The figure let out a long loud chuckle. "What a terrible introduction." The figure stood up on the window sill, they jumped down and made their way to the table. Everyone backed away from the approaching figure making a hole a the side of the table. "Allow me to introduce myself, I am Dejan or as you know XD."

The room tensed at the name, people held their breaths. "How do we know your actually XD as you claim." Dejan glared slightly at the male but lost it as soon as he gained it, instead his crazed smile danced onto his face as his eyes lit back up with excitement. "I don't claim anything Tommy." Tommy's eyes widened "How-How the fuck!" Dejan cut Tommy off again. "I know everything about everyone in this room. I know the man next to you is Tubbo who is platonically married to the tall giant. I also know the man with the creeper mask is named Sam and had a tragic past relationship with Ponk a member from the Eggpire." Ponk scoffed "Almost everyone knows that. It's common knowledge." 

Dejan rolled his eyes and grabbed a pen off the table, he turned and leaned against the table. "How's the arm?" Dejan asked as he pointed at Ponk's missing with the pen. Ponk went to grab his weapon but Ant and Hannah stopped him before he could. "Why are you here Dejan? I will have to ask you to leave if you only came here to fight." 

"You could ask but it wouldn't do much." Phil looked at Dejan with a face of shock. "But yes back to the topic at hand, what have you guy's come up with so far?" Everyone explained the plan, going through every detail and answering every question Dejan asked. Once they finished they all looked to Dejan for his response. 

"It won't work." Dejan deadpanned.

(No review...Could you tell me if you see any mistakes that way I could change them?)

Anyway love reading your comments and hope you day is going well! :)

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