Chapter 12

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I started school so updates are going to be here and there but at least I am updating. I have the update list on my conversations so go check that out and while your there follow me, I am trying to hit 690 followers and a face reveal at 1k followers. 

Anyway if you aren't reading my other stories then what are you doing here? but big news is that I got my first HATE COMMENT!!!! 

I'm ✨✨POPULAR ✨✨GUYS! Isn't it exciting! Onto the story. 

3rd Person's POV

"What do you mean it won't work?!" Quackity yelled frustrated. "It's a fool proof plan that we spent hours working on." Phil stated, everyone around him grunted in agreement. "Your plan has holes. Do it again." The was an uproar of yells around the room, Dejan didn't flinch at the sudden change in tone around the room he just stared straight ahead. "If your so good then you make the plan yourself." Someone said in the midst of chaos. 

Dejan was not amused at this idea.

"All right everyone shut up!" The room fell silent, Dejan looked around the room. "You work for me. If something is not up to my standards then I will make you redo it with no second thought. Are we clear?" Dejan looked around the room at everyone, they all nodded but he wasn't satisfied. "I SAID ARE WE CLEAR!" Dejan yelled as he banged his fist on the table, everyone jumped. "Yes!" The groups said simultaneously fearful of what would happen next. "Good. I need Techno, Phil, Bad, George, Sapnap, Punz, Quackity, and Sam in my office at 3. I will send you the address or you can get picked up again like the first time. Which do you prefer?"

"I think we will go with the first option." Phil said with a nervous chuckle. Dejan nodded and walked towards the door but stopped right before the doorway. "I suggest you all go out on your own and come up with theories before regrouping. Meet back here Sunday." Dejan left the room. 5 days to come up with a plan. Not just any plan though, a plan to please one of the biggest Mafia leaders in the world. Clapping was heard from the other end of the room making everyone jump.

"Wow! Bravo, I haven't seen him that pissed since forever." They cackled. 8 people recognized the voice. "What the hell do you want Ram?" Techno asked. It sounded like a question at the end instead of a threat. "You remember me! I'm honored." Ram said dramatically, he placed a slips of paper on the table. "For the 8 people he called. Your eyes only." The room was tense as the 8 people each reached for a slip of paper. Each of them pocketed it. "Great now that I have done my job, I will take my leave. See you tonight, dress nice~" There was a tease at the end, taunting them. Everyone  in the room knew they were powerless against Ram. 

"Bye~ lovely speaking to all of you!" Ram left through the same door as Dejan. "All right lets move out, we will reconvene on Sunday." The groups dispersed, everyone left and picked up information on their own. 

People were more afraid of the consequences then getting caught by the FBI. Who wouldn't be. Unknown faces who are spoken as if they were god ask you to help them? Well you better damn well hope that you give them your all. No one likes an angry God.

I updated, it may not be good but I updated. (This is a huge accomplishment for me.) 

No review sorry its short.

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