*Chapter 1

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I have invited you to read the first draft of my obituary, and my life's story. So pay strict attention to what I say, because I choose my words carefully and never repeat myself.

There is an old folk tale or bedtime story, as humans now like to call it, that parents like to tell their children, about the "greatest" battle to ever go down, gods, angels, devils, superhumans, and the ordinary human, all existing in one universe. Before we get ahead of ourselves we must set the scene.

One of the oldest cities in the world is known as the SMP. It had been regarded as one of the earth's greatest treasures, the capital of beauty and fame, a place where fortune came with ease for the ordinary man. A human could walk amongst the gods. It could be seen as a sanctuary from the rest of the world, a place where dreams came true for the weak, strong, poor, or wealthy. The desire for this holy power was unmatched, so the need for dreams grew, and so did the city.

Of course, with dreams come nightmares. I'm sure we have all felt the lasting effects of waking up in the middle of the night. Cold. Scared. Adrenaline pumping through your veins as you look around, gauging your surroundings, calming down when you realize it was only your mind that attacked you.

Such a scary concept isn't it? Not being able to live in a world of ignorance, finding there are both "good" and "bad" situations people must experience. After all, everything must have an equal and opposite reaction. It's a law of life. Now, I realize this might be a lot to process so before getting into that I would like to propose a question.

How is it possible?

How can the SMP be so pure, and create fame and fortune without creating problems?

It can't. You can't have dreams without the occasional nightmare much like you can't build a business with only an idea and no help. The true reality is that no one has ever climbed to the top without breaking bridges or picking up debts from bigger players.

This was the SMP's true colors, behind the technology, behind the vast parks and gardens, behind all the outer beauty the SMP gave, all that was left was the disgusting, vile, cruel reality that plagued the world.

Reality is that the SMP has the most powerful, ruthless, greedy men within its boundaries. Many of these men pulled the strings, counted favors, or used force to rise to power. These men use your weaknesses and exploit it, changing you into their puppet for their sick games and own personal entertainment.

One week. From my observation people figure it out in one week. One week of pure innocence before the world crushes them like a cockroach under and boot. You start to learn to look past the façade, into the inner cruelty the SMP brings.

A warning citizens give you as you move into the SMP, be careful who you trust.

It's really the best piece of life advice you could ever receive. Yet people live up to the stupidity of the human race and ignore the warnings of the citizens, these are the type of people who never leave the city border again. Either they've died a horrible death or have been put to work for the rest of their life trying to work off a debt...that also usually ends in them dying from suicide or an "accident", it really just depends on the day.

Though the people in political power don't like to report it, the SMP has the highest suicide rate, homicide rate, and criminal activity in the entire world. Not going to brag or anything but it's particularly fascinating. Also with these highest rates, the SMP has one of the best police systems, including, but not limited to, their own personal S.W.A.T, Coast Guard, State Police, and Behavioral Unit. If you couldn't tell, there's a bit of a problem within the SMP that the political people, whom-ever they are, have been trying to fix.

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