Chapter 13

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I am getting married, I can't wait!

3rd Person's POV

It was currently 6pm, the 8 mafia members arrived on the dot. Bad rang the doorbell, stepping back so the door could open. A new man came out with a a normal skull mask but had a crown resting on top of his head. "You all look..." The man started his sentence but decided against it, he moved to the side of the door and welcomed them inside. 

They walked up the main stairs and went straight back to the second room on the left. "I'm King." Was the last thing the man said to them before disappearing down the curve of one of the many hallways. Inside the room XD, Ram and Sheep were all dressed up; Ram and Sheep had tuxes while Dejan wore the same white undershirt and blazer but this time he had a jacket to go with his outfit. Xidorn had on a purple tuxedo with a white undershirt; they look so amazing then the rest of them looked like a mess. "Look who finally decided to show up-" Ram was about to tease but Dejan quickly cut him off. 

"What the hell are you wearing!" He yelled at the 8 guests. Xidorn, Ram, and Sheep all looked at the guest, they seemed surprised but the masks hid the real expressions. "Ok," Dejan said frustrated "Xi, you help find clothes for Quackity, Sapnap, George and Sam. Rest of you follow me." Xidorn nodded and waved his hand and walked out the left door while Dejan walked out the right door. Dejan led them down a long hallway, old acrylic paintings filled the halls. 

"Are these all originals?" Techno asked as he passed a painting of a meadow. "Yes." Dejan kept his answer short, his body language seemed to show he hated the painting. "In here." Dejan said opening a door; there was a small, hidden etching on the wood, close to the key hole; Inside was a tidy room apart from the books and papers scattered on the desks and bed, contrasting the original cleanliness. 

Dejan walked into a side room, clothes were hung up in a strict, color coded pattern. Dejan grabbed an dark marron dress shirt and gave it to Techno, he gave a similar dark green shirt to Phil. Dejan grabbed a black tie with a small tint of blue in it and handed it to Punz. "Tie your hair back Techno. Bad we are going to switch those colors." Dejan pointed to the bathroom before returning into the closet. He gave Bad a dark grey jacket and a more vibrant red shirt while Techno remerged from the bathroom with his hair in a ponytail. "Much better." 

Punz played with the tie, uncomfortably shifting it. "What are we doing here?" 

"You guys are here to see a business deal go, between XD and an old associate." Dejan didn't give them a chance to ask anymore questions and guided them back to the main staircase, Xidorn and his group were already there. 

"Ready for this?" Dejan asked, holding his arm out for Xidorn.

 "Oh I'm ready, it should be fun." Xidorn hooked their arms and started walking down the stairs in the main hall, Ram and Sheep were at the main doors. 

"Their here." Ram said with very little emotion in his voice, it seemed like he didn't want to be here.

Ram and Sheep barely opened the door before men in black combat armor flooded the house while 4 men in black tie suits surrounded a figure. XD watched the men flood the room with little amusement, as their guest of honor showed himself. A stubby man with a black beard emerged from the middle, his suit was one size too tight putting strain on the button up vest. He had a sickening smile across his face as he looked around the room, his eyes landed on XD, seeing they made no move to greet him he went to them.

"Pleasure to meet you again XD." The mans voice was heavy and ragged from the shortness of breath, Dejan and Xidorn nodded at the man making no move to talk or interact. "Right...who do you have back there hmm? New faces it seems." The man breath heaved as he went to walk in-between Dejan and Xidorn to get closer to the 8 behind XD. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2022 ⏰

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