Chapter 2

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Dream's POV

Beep! Beep! Beep!

Darkness. All I saw was pitch black surrounding me. The darkness was comforting, making my reality seem peaceful as I stayed in what seemed to be my eternal rest.  was here in the darkness while being hugged by the warmth. 

Beep! Beep! Beep!

I groaned at the sound, the troublesome sound that has disrupted my sleep. I opened my eyes slowly, blinding lights were the first thing introduced from the darkness making my eyes shut tightly. I reopened my eyes to the blinding lights and blinked a few times to reduce the blindness. The first thing that I saw after the bright fading blindness was my old grey alarm clock, it had two buttons on the top and one dial on the side, the numbers were bright green and blinking. 

Beep! Beep! Beep!

 I slammed my hand down on the stupid alarm effectively shutting it up. My hand fell from the alarm to the side of the bed, I slowly sat up, feeling the aches and pains from sleep. I rubbed my eyes and looked around my room as more of my vision returned I looked around the room. The desk in my room had papers scattered across the top, shelves were in disarray. The rest of the room was clean and organized except for the few pieces of clothing scattered across the floor.  I moved out of the warmth of my bed, going towards the closet and grabbing out my clothes for the day. I picked out a white t-shirt with black ripped jeans, then grabbed my old green zip up sweatshirt. 

I gabbed my bag from the back of the chair and made my way through the small hallway. The apartment had a small hallway the connected two single bedrooms across from each other and a bathroom, it lead out into a living room that had a kitchen separated by a counter with spiny chairs facing into the kitchen. I went into the small bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth, the minty taste repulsed on my tongue. In the mirror I ruffled my blonde locks, turning my head to the side I looked at the skin behind my ear, a black smile tattoo plastered my skin, moving my hair to hide the tattoo I left the bathroom. 

I came out into the living room, noticing movement in the kitchen I looked and saw Karl. He was wearing a flannel and ripped jeans. "Morning Dream, how was your night?" His voice was tired and bored, I understood the feeling. 2 of 4 years at college and it was starting to become routine, routine is boring. 

"Same as last." My voice rasped as I spoke, saliva built in the back of my throat from the strawberry aroma that filled the room, I swallowed thickly from the scent. I heard the toaster pop and Karl walk to the kitchen chairs with pop tarts on a plate. I threw my bag next to Karl's on the couch before making my way over to a chair next to Karl, I silently grabbed one of his pop tarts and took a bite. He gave a grunt of distaste but said nothing else as we ate in heavy silence. Karl and I both finished the food and just sat, staring off into space, his voice brought me back. 

"Ready to put up this charade again." It was a statement not a question, I sighed and nodded moving off the chair and towards the couch, swooping my bag from the couch and moved to the door, slipping on my black combat boots. I heard fading footsteps and the sound of a plate clattering in the sink, Karl emerged from around the corner, grabbing his bag from the couch before putting his purple and orange vans on. As Karl stood back up I opened the creaky door to our apartment, it was a worn down door which showed the age of the building. We moved quietly throughout the halls, avoiding the neighbors to the best of our ability. Last night many celebrated the last night of freedom before returning to college, we tend to avoid them because of their "immature" nature per say. 

Outside the morning dew still hadn't let up, it was windy and wet outside which countered the humid air that drowned the area. We walked down the sidewalk, moving with the other students who were either hungover, tired, or wishing for time to be reversed. I guess time itself really is a double edged sword, no matter what you do with it you lose it, but if you go back and attempt to change it all you have done is create another curve in the one road that ends at the same dark unavoidable end.

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