Chapter 8

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3rd Person's POV

Dream and Karl fell asleep on the couch, their apartment room had empty food bags on the floor, empty classes and pillows thrown everywhere from the night before. Dream was woken up by a knock at the door, he abruptly sat up at the sound. Realizing it was the door Dream moved from his spot on the couch. Dreams hair was sticking out every which way, he had a pale green shirt that reached his ankles and some shorts that barely showing beneath the shirt. The knocking became more and more rapid "Alright! I coming, just calm down." The knocking didn't stop.

Dream threw the door open, his eyes were heavy and his hair was sticking out, one hand was on the side of the door holding it open while the other was on the frame. "What! Do you want at 10 in the morning?" Dream asked slightly annoyed. Dream was facing a male with a blue beanie, white shirt and grey pants... "Wait...are you by chance Quackity?" The man nodded still staring at Dream, Dream suddenly came back to reality on what he was wearing and who this was. Dream let out a nervous chuckle and closed the door a little trying to hide some of himself "Your here for Karl I am guessing..."

"Yeah...We uh had a brunch date I am!" Quackity said, Dream nodded "I will um...I will get Karl for you just wait one moment..." Dream shut the door and put his back against it, Dream released a sigh. Dream ran back towards the couch, grabbing one of the pillows on the ground and hitting Karl with it. "What!-" Karl was cut off by another hit. "Dream! Stop! Why are you hitting me!" Dream threw the pillow back on the couch and whispered yelled at Karl "Your date is here and he just saw everything of me!" Karl looked around confused until he seemed to remember "Oh shi-sorry! I forgot." Dream almost was going to slap Karl for his stupidity but decided against it.

Dream pointed his finger at the door "I would go say hi...wouldn't want to leave your date waiting." Karl shot up and fixed his hair before moving to the door. Once again Quackity was met with another half dressed man. "Give me 10 minutes." Karl shut the door again and speed walked to his room, he reemerged with a black sweater, jeans and white socks. Karl went into the bathroom,, brushed his teeth and his hair. Gave himself one last look over before leaving. "You look good! If your going to have sex make sure to tell me to leave the apartment." Dream said as Karl walked out, Karl flipped him off and left the apartment. "Where to?" 

Quackity and Karl left for their lunch date and left Dream to himself. What would Dream do on a Saturday morning? Clean. Dream was cleaning the apartment after their movie marathon night, he cleaned the cups and empty food bags. Dream finished picking up the apartment around 11:30. A sudden ring echoed through the apartment, it was his phone. Dream looked at his phone. There was 1 unread message.

Techno: Would you like to hang out today?

Dream: Sure. When?

Techno: 12?

Dream: Sounds good, see you then. 

Techno: Which room?

Dream: 221B

(Listen...that apartment number was the only thing I could come up with but now you know I am cultured)Dream didn't really want to do much today but Karl was out and he needed to keep himself busy. It was 11:33 so he had some time before seeing Techno. Dream changed into some more appropriate clothing. By the time he was done it was almost 12. There was a knock at the door, "Coming!" Dream opened the door and saw Techno. "Hey you ready?" Dream nodded and locked the apartment door.

"So I was thinking about lunch at the new restaurant a few miles from here. Interested?" Techno asked looking over at Dream "Food? Any day." Techno chuckled at Dream response and walked in the direction of the restaurant. They talked about the scenery on their way to the restaurant "Can I tell you a secret?" Techno asked Dream who nodded "I had this reservation set up for a while." Dream looked at him confused "You planned this?" Dream asked but Techno hurried to answer "No, I was supposed to come originally with my brother but he had to cancel." "So I am the secondary choice...I don't know if I like that more or less then the stalking option." 

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