Chapter 10

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A chapter for you lovely people, still on break though.

3rd Person's POV

Techno, George, Sapnap and Quackity recieved a letter on early morning Wednesday. The letter contained instructions for a meet tonight. Dejan and Xidorn had a proposition for them.

Meet tonight at 10 near the front gates of the park, you can bring one friend if you so please. We have another proposal for you, a deal prehaps. Come tonight don't be late, you decides what happens to them. -XD

The letter was written in pen, it was clean and showed no mistakes. There was two wax seals on the bottom of the letter. One in purple with a weird swirl design the other was green with and smiley. As for the 'bring a friend term' Techno brought Phil, George and Sapnap brought Bad and Punz, Quackity brought Sam. 


Techno and Phil were the first to arrive at the park, it was around 9:45 when they got to the gates. No one was in sight. "Are you sure this is the place? No one else is around." Phil said cautiously, Techno looked over his shoulder. The park was black besides a few patches of light from the lamp posts, the leaves rustled covering the up the noise of anyone possibly sneaking up. "I'm sure..." Techno said slowly as he looked back at Phil "They need our help, I don't think they would risk putting us in danger when they went out of their way to ask for our help." 


George and Sapnap walked with Bad and Punz, they arrived at the park around 9:50. Seeing Techno and Phil they knew they were in the right place. "Blood god, Angel of Mercy, wonderful to see you again." Bad said sarcastically. Phil and Techno held a cold hard glare at Bad. "Bad..." Phil said, returning the greeting. "No blood shed tonight? I must say I'm surprised!" Bad continued, Techno chuckled "The nights still young...don't tempt me." He warned Phil nodded in agreement. "Now now boys, calm down. We are not here to fight tonight." A new voice chirped in.


Quackity and Sam were running late, they had a 'meeting' and couldn't bear to miss it. They arrived at 9:55. Quackity heard the on going conversation and decided to make his presence known. "Now now boys, calm down. We are not here to fight tonight." Quackity said with a tone of tease. Bad scoffed "That's rich coming from you." Quackity smiled, "Listen all I did was open a casino, you did the rest yourself." Everyone tensed and looked at one another, shifting foot to foot eyeing their competitors. George was about to say something but was cut off from a laugh.

Everyone jumped and turned around to the unknown laugh. A women stood with a skull of a sheep on her face. "Who the hell are you?!" George, Sam and Phil yelled. The women stopped laughing and smiled, "No one important." A chill went through everyone as she spoke. "You are all going to die." Everyone was shocked by her words "You are all going to die because your ego will get in the way of your thinking, you'll make the wrong decision because you're trying to one up each other and once you make that mistake, your kingdoms will crumble. Don't you agree Ram?" The women questioned.

"Of course, anyone can see it." The eight mafia members whipped their heads in the direction of the new male voice. This male wore a suit and had a Ram skull mask covering his face. "And once their kingdoms crumble, we will be there to take their place." His words were full of confidence, not a shred of hesitation. It was like he knew it would happen, he was sure it would"Now don't give them a scare! We need them to help us. Of course what you said was true...but all in good time."

Dejans voice echoed slightly through the empty park. No one could place where the voice came from. "I wonder if they would be able to catch them selves in time or would they be too caught up too notice?" Xidorn voice came through, his was more easy to place. "I have no idea." They heard leaves rustle for a second before two blues dropped down from the trees above. "Now...I have a proposal that could be more interesting to you. That way you also get something out of it." Sapnap spoke up for the first time "What is the offer?" 

"If you get rid of the FBI within the month, We will show you our faces..." Everyones eyes widened at the offer, it was too good to turn down. "Now, what do you say?" Dejan, held his hands our, edging them to play the game. Waiting for their next move. "Decided as a group, you have 2 minutes. Tick Tock." Xidorn said as he tapped his wrist. The eight members scrambled together. A collator of whispers came from the group, they gestured with their hands, reasoned with their voices but everyone knew what the answer was.  Dejan, Xidorn, Sheep and Ram watched from the sidelines with amused expressions. "Techno, what's your answer?" 

Techno turned around and gave one last glance towards the group. Techno held his hand out in front of him, Dejan took it. "Deal." Techno said firmly, Dejan let out a crazed smile and slowly repeated "Deal."

(No review) Thank you for being patient.

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