The Winning 'Loser'

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Hey guys! Hope you like this one! It's all about giving courage to those who come second and they shouldn't ever feel down. So read along, hope you like it!



Many stories have been written about champions, the one who made it to the first place. But nobody remembers the one who came second. It's weird, for we know that in the race, each one gave it all they had.

But the world is a place only for winners. And the losers are left behind.

But this one goes out to the ones who failed; do not let others decide what you have got. You know you tried hard. You know in your heart that you fought till the end. You never gave up. The winner was just better that day; it doesn't mean that you were bad.

We are so obsessed with the champion that we always overlook the other. And then begins a long journey of comparison, jealousy, dissatisfaction.

But hold on, for you know that no one can judge you, because it was your fight and you were the one struggling till the end. And when with the heaviest of heart you went ahead and took the defeat with a smiling face, you WON.

Only two people can know what it felt to be in the fight- the one who won and the one who didn't! Nobody else matters.

So stand up and walk ahead, for proving them was never your goal. It was to fight for yourself, for your sake. And do not blame it on luck. It is something we just have faith in, but we never see.

Because if you had seen luck, you would have won everything around.

So buckle up, and be proud that you are the one who came second. For the champion wins once, but the second place holder  has to fight it out lifelong and try to win every time.



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