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Korra: hey Sam's club I made you a poem

Asami: awww thanks babe *reads it out loud* dear tatami you make me want to do origami even though when you leave for work I cry like a

Korra: pretty nice huh?

Asami: uhhhh yeah
Korra: *sleeping in the weirdest position known to man*

Mako: that can't be comfortable

Asami: I think we should leave her

Mako: but she'll wake up in pain

Asami: ehhh she needs the sleep
Korra sitting with Asami's head in her lap

Asami: *sits up*

Korra: *breathes in* tickle attack

Asami: *laughs then snorts*

Korra: *wheezing hard as hell* hog monkey!!! Hog monkey!!!

Asami: we ain't fucking tonight

Korra: wait really 🥺
Korra pouted over 200 times during the show

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