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Eleonora PoV:

I wake up to the sound of someone typing on a keyboard. I open my eyes, look around and see Santino sitting at my desk with his laptop in front of him. What is he doing here? How long has he been sitting there?

I move in my bed to sit against the headboard which makes him realize that I'm awake and he closes his laptop, turning around so he can look at me.

"Good morning. Are you ready to tell me what's wrong now?"

I shake my head.

"Elena, like I already said this morning, you need to tell me what's wrong."

"No." I tell him and he sighs while getting up from the chair in front of my desk. He walks towards my bed and sits on the edge of it again. Just as he is about to reach out to me, I get out of my bed and walk towards my closet.

"Elena" he says with a hint of concern, but also a hint of madness in his voice.

"No, Santino. There is nothing to talk about."

"My little sister crying in the middle of the night and trying to run out of the house and not telling us what is wrong with her is something to talk about. So please Elena, sit down and tell me what's wrong."

"There's nothing to talk about though, Santino. I'm okay."

He looks at me for a second before shaking his head and asking, "Do you want to talk to someone else? Cedro, maybe? Or one of the twins?"

"No, Santino. I dont want to talk to anyone, because there is absolutely nothing to talk about. I just want to get dressed now, so I can go to school, okay?" I ask, slightly annoyed at him.

He nods and although he does not look happy about it, he leaves my room to let me get dressed in peace.

Hopefully he will leave me alone now.

Santino PoV:

I leave Elenas room and walk downstairs into the kitchen, where Marcello and Giovanni are already sitting at the table and eating breakfast.

"Did you talk to Elena?" Giovanni asks me while looking up at me when I enter the kitchen. His twin continues to eat but also looks up at me, curiously.

lShe doesnt want to tell me whats wrong." I calmly tell them and sit down at the table with them. A second later Alfonso puts breakfast down in front of me and I thank him.

"And you just let her get away with that?"

"There's currently nothing I can do about it. If she decides to tell me whats wrong, I will listen to her and solve her problems for her. But until then, there is absolutely nothing I can do."

"Bullshit!" Marcello grunts.

"Marcello." I say with absolute no amusement in my voice.

"What? What you're saying is fucking bullshit. You can make her tell you what's wrong."

"And then?" I challengingly ask him.

He looks at me puzzled expression and I shake my head at him. That boy truly needs to learn how to think outside of the circle.

"If I force her to tell me what is wrong, what do you think will happen? Do you think that she will be grateful, that I forced her to tell me? Do you think that she will ever trust me again and tell me when something is wrong with her afterwards?"

"No." Giovanni answers for his twin and I nod at his answer.

"But you cant let her walk around with the burden of her problems. You need to help her." Marcello argues.

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