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Third PoV

Time stands still. All three of the brothers can clearly see who is walking into the room but none of them want to believe that he is the one after their sister.

"I know it looks bad for him but it can't be." Marcello says, after breaking out of his trance. He usually never agrees with him but deep down he understands why he acts the way he does. He just knows that Ivano would never do something to purposely hurt their sister.

"Cedro's room. Leave." Santino orders the bodyguards and watches them leave. Once the door closes, he turns to look at Giovanni, "show me the whole scene."

Giovanni nods and replays the scene. The footage from the camera directly pointed at Elena's room shows her bodyguards standing in front of the door. They're quietly talking with each other about the day and if they saw anything suspicious that they should report to Santino. Seconds pass and Ivano enters the frame. He pushes passes the bodyguards and enters Elena's room without saying anything. The door closes behind him. Dante and Emiliano are both quiet now, listening closely to whatever is happening behind the closed door to figure out if they need to intervene. Minutes pass like this before Ivano comes out of the room again, closing the door behind him. Without saying something to either of the bodyguards, he walks away and into enters his own room.

"What was he doing in there?" Marcello wonders and looks up at his older brother for an explanation. He cannot understand Ivano's actions.

"He can tell you that on his own." Santino says and walks out of the office in search for his brother. And once he finds him, he will drag him into his office and answer all their questions. Should the answers not satisfy him, he can only hope that Ivano is fast enough to escape him. Because even though he would never hurt one of his brothers, if one of them hurt his sister, he has to act. He owes his father that much.

"Do you think he did it?" Giovanni looks up at Marcello.

Marcello sighs and leans against the desk, almost right in front of his twin. "I want to believe that he didn't but that's the only explanation we have right now. And he talked about getting rid of her a few times. Maybe he just lost his mind and decided to follow through with it?" He muses.

"But Elena is his sister. He wouldn't do anything to hurt her." Giovanni desperately tries to argue to defend his older brother. He definitely doesn't agree with Ivano's actions but Ivano is their brother and he wouldn't hurt their sister.

"He already hurt her several times."

"Yes, but that's just how Ivano is. And he never did something to put her in any real danger. He's just an asshole that doesn't know how to control his feelings."

"And maybe that's the problem? What if he truly lost his mind and acted without thinking about the consequences?" Marcello looks down at his brother.

"But if that's the case, why would he make it so obvious? He knows that the camera is there and always recording."

Marcello, who believed that his own brother could be out to hurt their sister until now, considers his twins words. Ivano knows where every camera on the property is located and knows that they are recording all the time. If he is truly the one behind it all, he didn't think it through at all. Which again, is so unlike Ivano because Ivano never does something without thinking every little detail of his action through.

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