Third PoV
"Leandro." Elena sighs, slightly turning her head to look up at him. She's met with the sight of him smirking at her while putting his books on the table right next to her. She watches him sit down next to her and has to suppress the urge to roll her eyes. Didn't he learn anything from last time?
"How's my favorite girl doing?" The brown haired boy leans back in the chair next to Elena's and happily smiles at her.
Elena inwardly cringed at that, "shouldn't you bother someone else? Or shouldn't someone else bother you?".
"Haven't you heard the news yet?" He asks, even more happier than seconds before. Guilia and all her friends were always annoying him with their constant attempts to get him to notice them. But now that they are gone, he can focus on Eleonora and doesn't have to worry about them or even Elena getting hurt by them.
"What news?" Elena asks confused. She turns her body around to look at him and sees the same expression she has on his face.
"Since your fight with Guilia, they're all gone. They all got expelled." Leandro explains.
"Expelled? All of them?" She asks shocked, after a moment of complete silence between them passed.
"Yes." He pauses for a moment, "or did you think Santino would let them get away with it?".
"Santino?" The youngest Mancini chokes out her oldest brothers name. At the back of her mind, she knew that Santino would do something about it but she didn't think that he would go that far. Or even that he could go that far. And after all, getting all of them expelled because of a fight between her and Guilia seems a little extreme.
Leandro looks at her confused for a moment before realizing that the rumors are true. Elena is truly not aware of the power her brothers hold and he almost told her. "There's no one left to bother me and I can finally give you my whole undivided attention without any interruptions or distractions." He tells her, redirecting the topic of their conversation in favor of his safety with the desperate hope that Elena won't tell her brothers anything about what he said.
"I think it would be better if you would find someone else for that, Leandro." Elena says irritated after fully overcoming the shock of his previous revelation. It's not that she doesn't like him, she would just prefer for him to leave her alone.
"But there's no one else, little star." Leandro sighs, slightly leaning forward to be closer to her.
"Little star? Really?" The Mancini sister rolls her eyes at the pet name but can't stop her cheeks from reddening. Leandro notices that and smirks at her.
"How about we go out to eat together after school today? Or you come over to my house, little star?" He suggests, ignoring her inquiry regarding his pet name for her.
"I don't think that's a good idea, Leandro." Elena almost laughs at his suggestions.
"How about I come over to your house then? I really want to get to know you better, Elena." He explains, purposely ignoring his logical thinking skills.
"That's an even worse idea." A huge smile that threatens to turn into uncontrollable laughter lights up her face which makes Leandro smile too. He is aware that all of his suggestions are plainly stupid and no matter what won't end well, but staying away from her is to hard for him to do. He has to know the youngest Mancini better.
"The idea can't be that horrible." Leandro tries to argue but realizes the absurdity of his own words as soon as they leave his mouth. The suggestion to spend time at the Mancini's house is already bizarre enough but with the intention in mind to get to know the youngest Mancini better? That is just plain stupidity talking. Maybe he could just plead temporary insanity when he's begging for his life.

The life of a Mafia princess
General Fiction13 year old Eleonora hears her mother get murdered, officially making her an orphan. She gets sent to live with her five mysterious older brothers, of whom she has no memories. Of whom she didn't know exist. And once she's used to her new family, c...