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Ivano PoV:

Once I arrive at the school I park my car next to the one from my brothers, grab my bag and walk into the school. The twins and the brat are in front of me and I scoff at the sight of them. Especially at the sight of my brothers. They look at her so concerned, but for what reason?

Elena always had a flair for the dramatic and while this morning was unexpected and totally not like her, she probably just got bored and decided to put on a show. Otherwise her unacceptable behavior cannot be explained. And Santino and Cedro are just as bad as her. Santino should have just ignored it and let it go and everything would be back to normal by now.

But he of course wasn't able to ignore it, so now we all have to suffer from the brats boredom.

She better hide from me today.

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The first three classes are uneventful today and just filled with boring lectures from teachers that most likely don't even know what they are talking about.

I have fourth period with my brothers though. At least this gives me and opportunity to talk some sense into them and to tell them to ignore the brats show, to put a faster end to it.

In the classroom I sit down in the back and less than a minute after I sit down, the twins sit down on either side of me.

"Have you seen Elena today?" Marcello asks me and I roll my eyes at him.


"Not at all?" Giovanni asks me, just as concerned as his twin.

"No, not at all."

"Are you sure?"

"No. Maybe she walked past me, but why would I pay attention to that? The brat is old enough to take care of herself." I reply bored, which makes my brothers facial expressions change from concerned to annoyed with a mix of 'I'm about to rip your head off'.

I shake my head at them. What happened to the twins that were like me just a few weeks ago? Did the brat really already grew on them so much that they changed their whole demeanor?

"Shes our sister, Ivano." Marcello says.


"And you should treat her as our sister and protect her." Giovanni replies and I laugh, bringing the attention of the whole class on us.

I look at them with a raised eyebrow and they all hurry to get back to their work.


"Protect her from what? We're in school, Giovanni."

"Exactly. We're in school and not at home. Something could happen to her here." Marcello tells me.

I roll my eyes. "The only thing that could happen to her here is that she fails a test."

"Ivano." Giovanni exclaimed, highly annoyed with me.

"What, Giovanni? If you're so worried about something happening to her here, then tell Santino to homeschool her or follow her around like a lost puppy. Hell, send her bodyguards with her. But no matter what you do, leave me out of it. I do not care what could possibly happen to her here. And you want to know why? Because I do not care about her. Shes just some little brat that Santino took in because he felt bad for her, alright?"

"You're an asshole." Marcello tells me and turns away from me, just like his brother.

"I know." I smirk.

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