The Vampires Pet: [11]

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⚠️Smut Warning⚠️

Joss moaned against the bite, his hands wrapping around Milo's back, closing any space between them. He could feel Milo's chuckle vibrate through his chest. Milo pulled away from the bite, reaching behind him. He closed the door to the bedroom. Joss reacted before he could stop himself, grabbing hold of Milo's neck. He brought him down for a kiss.

Milo leaned into it, one hand on each hip as he guided Joss to the bed. When Joss' legs made contact, Milo shoved him down. The lust in Joss' eyes was enough to make him move. He bent down, catching Joss' lips, who immediately allowed access so their tongues danced against each other.

There was a knock on the door, pulling Milo away as Joss groaned, curling into himself as his erection grew painful.

Milo walked over to the door and opened it, revealing Jesse standing there. Milo smirked, leaning against the door. "Come to join?" He asked.

Jesse smirked. "Not today, but next time. I guess since you two are busy, I'll take joining us as a no?" He asked, his eyes casting towards Joss, who was squirming uncomfortably on the bed.

"Joining you?"

"We found another clue, so we will be heading to take a look at it. I'll fill you in when we return," he took one last look at Joss before chuckling. "Don't break him." He says, turning away from the door and down the stairs.

Milo rolled his eyes, closing the door once again and turning to face Joss. He walked over to him, grabbing at Joss' hand. Joss shot up and grabbed a hold of Milo's neck, pulling him down on top of him.

Milo chuckled, placing his lips against Joss' neck, kissing the exposed skin. Joss yelped at the tingle that was sent down his spine. Joss reached for Milo's shirt, tugging the hem up.

Milo grabbed his shirt and peeled it off, revealing a nicely built body that Joss seemed to drool over. He couldn't help his hands rubbing at the chiseled six-pack that was exposed in front of him. Joss knew he was ripped, but seeing it now was such a turn-on.

"Like what you see?" Milo teased, grabbing Joss' shoulders and pinning him to the bed. Joss couldn't help the smirk that appeared on his face.

"I do, indeed." Joss smirked, wriggling his hips against Milo's thigh.

Milo reached down for Joss' pants and unbuttoned them while leaning forward to kiss Joss. "We won't be able to have sex today, but a blow job is on the menu." He whispered, earning a groan from Joss.

"Why not?" Joss moaned out.

"We still have more to do. Let's not be too hasty." He teased, sliding off the bed until he hovered over Joss' erection.

Joss could feel Milo's hot breath against his skin, making him wiggle impatiently. Joss leaned up, taking in Milo's face as his hands started to pull at his boxers, exposing his rock hard cock. Joss groaned the moment Milo's hand touched the base of his cock, making him jolt in surprise.

Milo lowered his lips to the tip of Joss' cock, and pulled him in. Joss yelped in surprise, feeling more sensual than normal. He's had blowjobs before, but they've never been like this. Milo started bobbing his head up and down, giving Joss a sensation that was unimaginable as Milo's canines seemed to rub against him. It didn't hurt, in fact the canines felt absolutely amazing against the girth of his cock.

Joss flinched, grabbing Milo's shoulder and pulling him away. "W-wait... dont... don't you want to feel good?" Joss asked.

Milo chuckled, showing his extended fangs. "What did you have in mind, my pet?"

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