The Vampires Pet: [8]

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Joss didn't seem to know what to do with the fact two new faces were in the house. He didnt seem to have time to talk with Jesse or Milo since they were so busy discussing what to do about Dawn with Joyce and Ansley. Joss listened to some, but most of it sounded like gibberish since he didnt know what to make of their explanations. Eventually he snuck out of the kitchen as they were on the phone and made his way to the livingroom.

Plopping on the couch, he looked down at his arm, spotting the bite mark Jesse left last night. The thought of the bite there made his flush slightly, thinking back at the wonderful night. He was just embarrassed he fell asleep so fast.

Joss got up from the couch and walked up the stairs to the room he was staying in, he grabbed his phone and turned it on, though not surprisingly it was dead. Walking over to the pants he wore to the party, he fished out his small charging cord that was travel sized and looked for an outlet. Once he found it, he plugged it in, turning on his phone.

Once his phone was on, it buzzed like crazy. He jumped, unaware of how many notifications he had. Opening his phone, he realized for the first time looking at his phone, it was full bars.

He had 37 messages from his mom, Micah, and Ashley mixed together.

He opened up Micah's first.

Micah: hey man. Where are you? The party is still going.


Where are you? You didn't show up at the party again.

Your mother is worried and so are Ashley and I.

Your phone is going straight to voice-mail. Its been 3 days. Call me back.

We went to the police station. I put you down as missing. If you get this please let us know you are okay. Everyone is so worried.

That was the last text from Micah and it was sent yesterday afternoon. Joss gulped. He didnt know if he should answer Micah back or not. If remaining missing will keep Jesse and Milo safe, he thinks that is the best thing to do. Closing his phone, he set it down on the chair, leaning back against the wall.

How did his life become this? Hiding the fact he is alive to his friends just to stay with Milo and Jesse? How did he become a pet to Vampires?

His stomach growled and he remembered the main reason why he went downstairs in the first place. Sighing he stood up. Bad idea.

Vertigo hit him hard and he went crashing to the desk next to him, knocking down a glass lamp in the process. Joss fell to his knees, his whole body shuttered. His breathing picked up and his stomach curled in on itself. It was the worst feeling he's felt in a long time. Worse than his step dads beatings.

He heard some footsteps but his mind was preoccupied with the cut on his palm from the lamp. He felt a hand on his back, getting him out of his funk.

"Joss, you okay? What happened?" Asked Milo, who was helping Joss to his feet. He guided him to the bed.

Joss looked up, spotting Jesse right behind Milo with Joyce and Ansley at the door, looking just as worried. Joss gulped, looking down at his palm, which was bleeding against Milo's skin.

"I uhm... I tried to stand up but uhm... my stomach hurt and I got dizzy." He explained just as his stomach let out a loud grumble.

Ansley chuckled. "You both were so busy you forgot he is human. A human needs food to live. Judging by the way he is you haven't had food in a couple days, correct?" He asked.

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