The Vampires Pet: [3]

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When Joss was done in the shower, he changed into black skinny jeans that were too big for him, thankfully they gave him a belt and a black loose t-shirt.  He finished drying off his hair, stepping out from the bathroom, taking in the giant hallways. He loved the way this mansion looked but what made him excited about it was the fact it felt like it was Genuine Victorian Era. It had that feel to it.

  "You're done already? That was rather fast." Milo said, walking closer to Joss.

  Joss nodded. "It was a quick shower. No need to stay in longer than necessary." Joss said, being guided by Milo back to the room. Joss sat on the bed as Milo put the Shackle back on. He stood up, making his way next to Joss.

  "Where is Jesse?"

  "Getting you some food. You have to eat to keep your strength up." Milo explained, sitting next to Joss.

  Joss sighed and Milo knew why. He cleared his throat. "You have questions. Ask them."

  "How long have... Vampires been a thing?" He asked without hesitation.

  Milo snorted. "Well we have always been around, just much more hidden. Its been quite difficult these past 100 years to keep our existence out of humans eyes. Doesn't stop the ones who have seen us and wish to hunt us."

  "Hunt you?"

  "Yup. Humans and Vampires long ago used to live with each other. It was normal. They respected us since back then it was just purebloods who ruled. But when a pureblood by the name of Gilbert turned a woman, she became the first ever Rogue. This made the Humans angry that we broke their rules and then a war broke out. Purebloods were slaughtered and rogues turned more rogues. It was a mad house. After a century of fighting, humans no longer feared us since they found out we could die like mortal men so we went into hiding and then humans slowly forgot about us as generations stretched, now turning into a myth glorified in hollywood." Milo explained, folding his arms.

  "Back up the story. What are Rogues and Purebloods?" Joss asked, getting sucked into the history lessen.

  "Rogues are half human and half Vampires. Now a days there are more of them then purebloods." He explained, taking a moment to pause before continuing. "Purebloods are born into the Vampire bloodline. We grow like normal humans until we reach the age of 26. Once any pureblood hits that age we can no longer grow older nor stop younger. Jesse and I are purebloods."

  Joss' mouth dropped at that. They were purebloods?

  Milo chuckled at Joss' reaction. "My full name is Milo Eandre and Jesse's is Lucklai. These names don't mean much to humans but in the Vampire world, they mean everything. Our names strike fear in some of the older Vampires. Jesse and I met during the 1700's and became best friends. Since Rogues have been an issue lately we go into the ugly side of the Vampire world and slaughter the Rogues. They have been growing a lot and we don't know why." He explained.

  Joss found all this so fascinating. The way the hierarchy of the Vampire world worked made him excited. He never thought he would learn such amazing history.

  "What is the bloodlust like?" Joss asked, more for his own benefit.

  Milo chuckled. "You don't have to worry. Purebloods don't get bloodlust. Not unlike Rogues. Since they have their half human, they have an insane bloodlust. If they don't feed they die off. Its another reason we kill them." He opened his mouth. "The difference between Rogues and Purebloods that is the most obvious is Purebloods only have sharp canines. With Rogues their teeth grow sharp. Its as if staring into a sharks jaw." He explained.

  Joss reached for his bite marks finally understanding why they only had two big holes and very small tiny ones. It made him shiver thinking about the full teeth biting him. He didn't know whether that would be pleasurable or scary.

  Jesse entered the room carrying a box of pizza in his hand. "Discussing stuff I see?" He said.

  "Just catching Joss up on the Vampire world." Milo said, getting up from the bed. Jesse set the pizza on the end table.

  "Ita quite a world. One that is ugly. Be glad you are in the good part of it." He explained, turning to Milo. "Rogues. Near New York." He said.

  Joss watched Milo nod. "Understood." He turned to Joss with a smile. "We will be back soon. Enjoy your meal." He said.

  Joss stared after them, watching as they disappeared down the hall. He sighed, turning over to the pizza, reaching to open the lid. His body didn't seem to like that action very much and he nearly collapsed to the floor, his heart picking up and his mind growing fuzzy. He started coughing, his body arching with every cough. His lips grew dry and his stomach seized. He couldn't seem to focus on anything. He fell to his side.

  Slowly he got his breathing under control, but it still felt painful. He stayed on the ground for a minute longer, before picking himself up. Was that a side effect to being bitten? He wonders.

  He looked at the door, the hallways slowly coming back into focus. What the hell was that? He kept  wondering, pulling himself upright and leaning against the bed. His stomach continued to do flips, no longer hungry for the pizza. All his mind could think about was them. He wanted to be near them and what scared him about this thought was the fact his body felt utterly cold without them in his presence. What was this?

  Deciding to sleep, hoping that would calm him down, he gets up from the floor and snakes himself onto the bed. His heart hammered in his chest everything his body seemed to want their bodies next to him. He couldn't explain it but he was going to ask them when the returned.

  Once comfortable, he finally fell back asleep.


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