The Vampires Pet: [6]

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When Milo and Jesse showed up, at the charity event, they found it was actually not as bad as Stella made it out to be. Yes there was panic, but no news outlets have made it yet and no phones were out. Only a few corpses remained on the ground being fed on by a small group of 5 different Rogues. Milo sighed.

"With the way she explained it, I thought it would have been bigger." He said, walking closer to the group of Rogues. Jesse appeared at his side, cracking his knuckles.

"Shall we?" He asked.

Milo nodded. In one swift movement, Milo used his power, which contained manipulating shadows. He could literally do anything with his shadows and make them into weapons. The thing about purebloods, they are the only ones to carry powers. Jesse's is the ability to manipulate water. Though his power gets him extremely tired evrrytime he uses it longer than a couple hours so he usually lets Milo do most of the fighting.

He created a bow and arrow, aiming it at one of the rogues, and released it, watching as it pierced one of the rogues. The others snapped their heads up, looking startled that someone was trying to stop them. Milo smirked.

"Dont worry. It will be a rather quick death." He says, holding up another arrow. When he shot another one, the rogues dispersed, causing Jesse to freeze their feet to the ground. They screeched, growling with their ahark teeth. Milo sighed. "Perhaps you should have stayed in the dark like good little followers." Milo made a scythe instead and in one swing, chopped their heads off before dispersing the shadow.

Jesse shoved his hands into his pocket, a look of boredom on his face. "Well this was too easy. We should get back." He walked over to Milo, placing a hand on his shoulder. "I kind of miss our little pet."

They heard heels clicking on the concrete approaching them slowly. They turned, greeted by a face they havent seen in a couple months. Milo smirked.

"Eirina! What brings you by?" He asks.

She flipped her long red hair, reaching into a bag and pulling out a black folder. Stopping shy of the pair, she opened it, turning it towards them.

"Recognize him?" She asked, her voice stern.

They both looked at the picture, Jesse lifting a brow in surprise. It was Joss.

When they didnt speak she sighed. "His name is Joss Micheals. Rumor has it you have him as your yearly blood bag. I have come to tell you he was reported missing by his friend Micah. Either you release him with his memory wiped or there will be consequences. You know the rules. Follow them." She snapped, her red lips in a tight line.

Jesse chuckled. "Rules don't apply to us. We are purebloods. We found him interesting, he is staying. Feel free to tell Nickolai we decline to let him go." Jesse says.

"Purebloods or not, it is forbidden to keep one who is under the investigation of police and FBI. We can't draw attention. Hiding him will only result in a more serious consequence." She snapped, narrowing her piercing black eyes at them.

Milo smirked, throwing his arm over Jesse. "Thanks for the pep talk, Red. We have to get going. Our pet is quite lonely. Tell Nickolai if its such a bother to speak to us directly." He said. Before more could be exchanged, Milo and Jesse disappeared into the shadows, appearing in front of the house.

Milo unhooked his arm from Jesse, his stomach growling. He rand a hand through his hair. "To think we finally get one who is under the missing persons. Who would have guessed." Milo explained, walking towards the door.

Jesse chuckled. "Indeed. He is quite the trouble maker." They opened the door, and to their surprise, they see Joss collapsed on the stairs, holding his chest, breathing heavily.

Their demeanor changed quickly, watching Joss curl in on himself. Milo shot forward, placing a hand on Joss, but recoiled when he felt how hot and sweaty he was.

"Whats the matter?" Jesse asked.

Milo gulped. "I think... Joss is suffering from Vampire Lure sickness but... I've never seen it affect someone this badly." He said.

Joss finally opened his eyes, meeting Milos eyes. When he did, Joss immediately jumped up, wrapping his arms around Milo's neck. This was completely out of character for Joss but his body seemed to move on its own. He buried his face in the nape of Milo's neck.

"It hurts." He whispered, his own voice foreign to him.

Milo lifted a brow, slowly wrapping comforting arms around Joss, who was shivering violently. "What hurts?" He asked.

Joss gulped. "My heart... stomach... head... it... wants something but I dont know what." Joss says.

Jesse finally understood. He stepped into veiw, taking a seat on one of the steps. "Its been a minute since he was bitten. His body craves it." Says Jesse, in a monotone voice.

Milo understood, he looked down at Joss' collar. He put his hands on Joss' shoulder, pulling him away. Joss was bright red, his eyes having tears ready to fall. Milo smiled.

"You sure are a needy one arent you." He said, reaching for the collar and taking it off, gripping it in his hand, he saw the other bite marks looking a bit puffy and red.

"Are you.... going to bite me?" He asked.

Milo smirked, bringing his hand up to carress his neck, causing Joss to let a small moan escape. "Unless you dont want me to."

Joss gulped. "I... do." He whispered, looking almost ashamed.

Milo allowed his fangs to extend, bringing his face in closer, he watched as Joss closed his eyes tightly awaiting for the bite.

Milo found that amusing. He bit down, hearing Joss moan, wrapping his arms around Milo, gripping his clothes. Jesse smirked, walking a few steps down and grabbed one of Joss' arms. He bit down on his right wrist, allowing another moan to escape his mouth.

He felt himself fall into the pleasure, not realizing he was getting hard. His body craving their touch the longer they held their bites. He did something unexpected. He dropped his other hand to the stairs, holding himself up as he grinds against Milos leg.

Milo released him, blood dripping down his chin. "Well aren't you full of surprises today." He teased.

Jesse released him, looking over Milos shoulder to see Joss' bulge. "Shall we take this to the bedroom?" He asked in a seductive voice.

Joss wasnt ready, his head spun. Milo lifted him up, already making his way up the stairs. When they made it to the room, Milo threw Joss onto the bed and all Joss could do was wiggle.

He was so turned on it hurt and he knew this was the only release he wanted.

A/N: there will be smut in the next chapter. Just a warning ⚠️! I hope you like this chapter!!

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