The Vampires Pet:[2]

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After his initial shock of realizing exactly what was going on, Joss went to the bathroom, taking off his shirt he decided to clean his wound. The blood had made it all the way down to his chest which startled him but the wound wasn't even that bad. It was two big holes with many little ones around it in the shape of a mouth. Everything about it made him intrigued. They said they were Vampires and by the way this mark looked it was true but he wasn't scared. He's met real monsters. His Stepfather and Uncle beat him. His Uncle died in a drunk car accident recently, but his stepfather still beat him. They gave off the worst vibe he's ever met. These Vampires as far as he could tell, didn't give off such a vibe.

  Joss threw his shirt onto the bed, walking over to the balcony he watched the sunrise. Morning already and he was going to miss his class. He gasped. What about Micah and Ashley?

  Running into the house, he grabbed his phone to unlock it but surprise, surprise he had zero bars and zero wifi. Just his luck. He threw his phone onto another chair, collapsing on the bed. He looked down at the shackle on his ankle. It was on there pretty tight and the amount of chain was enough to walk about half the room. What if he gets hungry? Or needs to change? What then? Did they even plan to allow him to wander unshackled?

  He sighed. Perhaps some sleep would make him feel better. Taking off his converse. He threw himself back on the bed, curling in on himself. One perk he has found was that the bed was the most comfortable thing he's ever felt under him. Against his skin it was silk and cushioned.

  Not realizing how tired he was, within minutes of lying down smack in the middle of the king sized bed, he fell asleep.

  When he woke up a couple hours later, he expected his own bed, but instead when his eyes fluttered opened, he was met with glowing purple eyes. Joss gasped, throwing himself back, not realizing he was at the edge of the bed until he slammed against the hard wood floor. He groaned, rubbing his lower back. He straightened his position, stretching his neck to see it was Jesse on the bed, smirking.

  "That was rather entertaining to witness." He said, sitting up.

  Joss mocked Jesse with a face, using the chair next to him to pull himself up from the ground. He spotted Milo standing next to the foot of the bed while Jesse was sitting on the bed. Joss rubbing his neck, flinching when his hand grazed the bite mark.

  "Can't you wake me without giving me a heart attack?" Joss asked, folding his arms over his bare chest.

  Jesse chuckled. "Where's the fun in that. You're our pet. Might as well have some fun with you." He said, crawling off of the bed. "So whats your name? You know ours."

  Joss lowered himself onto the chair, watching them carefully. "Joss." He said.

  Jesse groaned. "You were right, Milo. He had an interesting name. I thought it would be basic."

  Joss brought his knee up to his chest. "If... you don't mind me asking, why did you kidnap me again?" I asked.

  Milo cleared his throat, fixing his suit. "We have found it rather hard to find prey these days with all the missing persons reports and internet, so we try to limit ourselves to one a year. You so happened to be our yearly. Plus that moan from my bite was quite a rarity. Usually prey just scream and beg. You? Now you were one of the first to not." Milo stepped away from the bed, stalking his way to Joss who shifted in his seat. "Now answer me this: why?"

  Joss looked between them, both of them had their eyes on him. The thing Joss found that was unsettling was the fact they weren't purple, instead they were black. Completely black. It was like staring into a bottomless pit. Just a few minutes ago they were purple. Did they change with feelings or something?

  "Why did I have that reaction?" Joss asked.

  Milo nodded, clarifying Joss' question.

  "Well uhm... I uh.. its kind of embarrassing to say but I kind of have a... biting kink." Joss said, the words sounding foreign. He's never said them outloud, afraid people would look at him like a freak.

  But instead, Milo and Jesse shared a look with smirks. Joss gulped. "A biting kink huh? Are you gay?" Jesse asked.

  Milo noticed Joss get uncomfortable at that question which seemed to intrigue him. "Closeted." Was all Joss responded.

  "Why closeted?" Asked Milo.

  Joss bit his lip. "I was afraid of what people would think of me. Especially my family." Joss explained.

  "You love them?"

  Joss snorted. "My mom? Kind of. My step-dad? He can rot in hell for all I care." Joss snapped, startling Jesse and Milo. Joss looked up noticing their expressions. "My step-dad beats me." He said. "I've gotten used to it."

  Milo stepped forward, running a hand through Joss' brown curly hair. Joss was confused, but didn't deny it. "Shitty life. Guess we saved you from it." Says Milo.

  Joss nodded. "I don't agree with you guys kidnapping me or keeping me as a pet, but it beats being home." Joss chuckled.

  Jesse and Milo shared a look before their eyes went back to Joss. Their eyes were purple again and honestly, Joss liked the way they looked. "Your eyes changed again." Joss pointed out. "They were black a second ago."

  Jesse nodded. "When they are black it means we don't want to feed or don't need to. When they are purple, even a subtle hint of purple, it means we want to... or are hungry."

  Joss gulped. "Does that mean you are hungry now?" He asked.

  "You've had enough today." Milo said, tapping the top of Joss' shoulder.

  "I... don't mind." Joss said. "Seriously. You kidnapped me for this reason, right?" Joss couldn't believe what he was saying but he also felt like he needed to feed them. Maybe it was a Vampires luring or whatever but he wanted to be fed on. The first time was addictive and he wanted more.

  "If you insist." Milo turned to Jesse. "I already had a taste." He said, stepping away from Joss.

  Jesse stepped forward, getting down kn one knee. Joss could feel his heart beating fast but he couldn't tell if it was because he was scared or anticipating it. Jesse leaned forward and Joss felt the white hot pain before it turned to pleasure.

  He moaned, instinctively he shot his arms around Jesse's back, pressing him harder against him. Milo chuckled, taking in Joss' face of pleasure. How did they stumble upon such a gem?

  Jesse pulled back causing Joss to slowly release him. Joss was flushing a bright red, his breathing growing heavy.

  "Never have I ever seen a human get so turned on by us." Jesse whispered, wiping his mouth.

  "Its quite a sight. Perhaps next time we should indulge ourselves a bit more than just a bite." Milo whispered back. Joss slowly calmed down, focusing on the blood that dripped down his chest.

  "I'll get you some clothes and you can shower." Jesse bent down, grabbing the key from his pocket, he released the shackle. "When you are done we will shackle you again." Jesse warned.

  Joss nodded, his body finally calming down. He stood up, grabbing Milo's arm who guided him down the red and gold hall that stood taller than his hallways at college. He entered a bathroom.

  "I will put your clothes here. When I grab them." Milo explained.

  Joss nodded. "Understood." He whispered as the door closed.

  Once he was alone he let out a huge breath, leaning against the countertop. He looked up in the mirror, spotting his bleeding neck. Now he had two bite marks, one on each side of his neck. It actually turned him on a bit seeing the bite marks scuff up his neck. He could honestly get used to this feeling. He never thought his life would ever lead him to absurdity like Vampires or being a pet, but he wasn't mad. It was better than going to college or dealing with his family.

  Sighing he finally stripped from his clothes before stepping into the shower, starting it up. While in the shower, he allowed his thoughts to race, not bothering to stop them.

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