The Vampires Pet: [7]

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⚠️Smut Warning⚠️

Joss watched as Milo loosened his tie, taking it off, he bent towards Joss. Joss watched as Milo took Joss' shirt off and did something he didnt expect. Milo turned Joss over and tied his hands behind his back with the tie, turning him back over.

Joss blushed a bright red, not sure how he felt about the bondage. He felt the blood start to trickle down his shoulder and hand, remembering he was still bleeding from the bites. Jesse dipped the bed next to him as Milo crawled on top of him.

Milo caught Joss' lips, as Jesse moved his hand up Joss' shirt. When Joss felt his nipple pinch, he moaned, going rigid in his hand. Milo started kissing down, licking the blood on his neck. Joss started moving his hips, unable to hold himself together.

"Someone is impatient." Says Jesse, his fangs extended. He bent down, kissing Joss as well. It felt so invigorating kissing someone with fangs.

Joss felt a hand undo his pants, he broke free of the kiss to see it was Milo who was undoing it. He gulped. He hasnt really had sex with anyone. He's had a blow job done to him but not sex. He was nervous but also craved it desperately. Most likely the Vampire Lure's fault.

He felt pressure on his cock, though he felt it on top of his boxers. He looked down again, seeing Milo was rubbing him through his boxers, making him wet. Joss couldn't control himself, he started moving his hips, wanting so badly to get free of the bondage and do it himself. Milo was teasing him and Joss didnt know if he could handle anymore of it.

Jesse caught his nipple in his mouth, watching Joss yelp, arching his back. With everything on fire, he was super sensative. Milo smirked, finally bringing the boxers down, seeing Joss' cock fly out, hard as a rock.

Milo bent down, looking up at Joss before finally putting his mouth around the tip of Joss' member. Joss lost it. His hips moved on their own as he tried to fight the bandage holding his hands behind his back. Milo found this sexy, continuing to swallow Joss.

Jesse decided to bite down on Joss' neck causing him to shudder. Joss didn't realize how much pleasure that would cause because it made him climax just as fast.

Milo chuckled, pulling away, he swallowed what Joss released in his mouth. Joss was breathing heavily.

"Sorry." He slurred, just as Jesse pulled away. His eyes started to close. The amount of blood he probably lost and the fact he was so horny made his whole body tire.

Milo and Jesse chuckled. "I think this was enough excitement for our little pet." Says Jesse.

"I think yes." Milo pulled away, helping Jesse clean Joss up who was already asleep. When they finally out his to bed, they chuckled.

"To think he would get so horny from just being bitten. How did we get so lucky?" Asks Jesse.

Milo shrugged. "I dont know. But we should get going. We need to check on a few things." He says, escorting Jesse out of the room, turning out the light. Once they were outside of the room, Jesse sighed.

"I believe within the next few weeks we will get pop ins from Eirina and Nickolai regarding Joss." He says, running a hand through his hair.

Milo nodded, fixing his tie. "I believe we will. Its inevitable. Eirina loves to shove her nose into everyone's buisiness. But we need to focus on what Ansley said about Dawn." He explains.

"She can't find this place. No one knows where it is. We don't need to worry about that, but she will try everything to get our attention."

"Im going to call Ansley. You call Stella and tell her the charity case is done." Milo says.

They both split off into their own groups to do what they needed.

After a few hours of not being disturbed, Joss finally woke up, though his neck seemed to throb more than normal. He groaned, rubbing at where his Collar used to be. He sat up, noticing the sun was starting to come up. Must be early morning. Joss threw the blanket off, turning his body towards the edge of the bed. He stood up, unaware of how weak his legs felt, he collapsed against the side of the bed.

He knitted his eyebrows, confused at to why he felt so weak. But then it dawned on him. Hes only had one slice of pizza in almost 4 days. His body was weak from lack of food. Massaging his legs, he waited until they got more awakened as he stood up from the bed, throwing on a loose shirt and fixing the pants he was wearing.

He grabbed the collar from the dresser, reattached it around his neck before finally making his way out of the bedroom. Walking down the hall, he noticed the house was darker than normal, minus the small bits of morning sunlight creeping in through the house. He knew Milo and Jesse were home because he didnt have that nagging sickness when they are gone.

"Hello?" He called, making his way down the stairs. When he made it down there, he heard someone in the kitchen. He advanced towards it, peaking his head in, he was blocked by an incredibly tall man, causing him to squeal, backing up against a wall. His eyes traveled up to reveal a man with long black hair and a thick salt and peppered beard. He wore black skinny jeans with a nice buttoned up top and vest. The mans eyes were black, but he could tell they were turning purple.

"Well, well. A lost little mouse." The man said, his voice a thick British accent. "Where has this little one been?"

Joss felt the color drain from his face as the tall man cornered him against the wall, bending down to sniff Joss. Thankfully, Milo's voice rang in, allowing Joss to breathe a sigh of relief.

"Step away, Joyce. I will only warn you once." Milo threatened.

Joyce chuckled, lifting his hands up innocently, stepping away from Joss. Joss took this opportunity and shot into the kitchen, hiding behind Milo. The man now known as Joyce, folded his arms with a knowing smirk.

"A new pet? Hes quite a looker."

"Exactly what I said." Joss knew that voice as well, spotting Ansley stepping away from the blackened screen door. Joss snaked his arms around Milo's trying to keep close to him.

Milo chuckled. "Joss, this is Joyce. He was attacked by Dawn while Ansley was there. They both will be staying with us until we get this situation under control." He explained.

Joss gulped. He didnt exactly know how he felt about being in a house with a bunch of Vampires, but as long as Milo and Jesse were there, he didn't mind it. He just hopes it doesn't end badly.

A/N: sorry for the late update >_< I hope you liked the chapter! The next one will hopefully come soon!!!

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