The Vampires Pet:[5]

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Joss took in every building they passed, as they made their way to the meet spot. A cold breeze swept over him as they passed an open alley. Jesse saw it and shrugged out of his jacket. He handed it over to Joss who was confused at the gesture.

  "Take it." He said.

  Joss gulped, grabbing the oversized jacket and threw it on, feeling snuggled in the warmth. So far what Joss has witnessed wasn't what he expected from Vampires. He actually preferred being in this world than his actual human one.

  They stopped at a Cafe, Milo opening the door for both of them. When Joss stepped in, he was greeted with soothing music and the smell of coffee and tea. He followed Jesse and Milo to a back table that held a man looking like he was in his mid thirties, though he knew he wasnt. He had long blonde hair and a beard, not at all what Joss expected. His eyes were black orbs, giving Joss the feeling he was expecting.

  The man smirked. "My favorite boys!" The man said, his accent a light mix of American and British. Almost as if he was struggling on which one to stay on.

  "Ansley. Its good to see you in one piece." Jesse said, taking a seat next to him. Milo slid in and Joss sat next to him. Ansley immediately looked at Joss who grew uncomfortable.

  "A new pet I see. This one is a looker." He said, finally settling on his American accent. "Where did you find him?"

  "Small town outside of Oregon." Jesse said, simple and sweet.

  "I see." He spotted the collar on his neck, just barely seeing both bite marks. He smirked. "I've never seen you take your pet out with you." He said. "What makes this one special?"

  Milo sighed. "We didn't come here to discuss Joss. We came to talk about the attack." Milo warned.

  Ansley seemed to have gotten the message, but his eyes never left Joss. "Well I was home with Lex when we heard the downstairs door cave in. I heard screams from my servants and went to go see what was happening. I didn't realize we were under attack until that whore killed Lex. After she died I ran and thats when I called you." He snapped, his voice filled with anger.

  "Whore? Dawn Saunlace?" Jesse asked.

  Ansley snorted. "She came in there with her little enslaved army of Rogues. She killed my lover. And she said Joyce was next then Henry and then you lot." He explained, taking a drink of his darkened coffee.

  Joss gulped. He didn't like the sound of what they were saying. He didn't like it one bit. He didn't know if it was because maybe he was in shock at this or if it was the "drug" in his body that was pissed when Ansley mentioned Dawn is going after Jesse and Milo. Everything in this moment has changed him and he knew it was for the better, but a Vampire war? Just a few days ago his only problem was college classes and his step-dad beatings. Not this. Why did it have to happen so suddenly?

  "We can handle Dawn. We have handled her in the past. I thought we killed her. But apparently not." Jesse said.

  "She's going after revenge for the ones who tried to kill her. That scorned bitch is going to get what she deserves." Ansley said, slipping into his British accent near the end of that sentence.

  "Duly noted. Would you like to live with us for the time being?" Milo asked.

  Ansley shook his head. "No. I'm going to warn Joyce. Help him. You two should lay low, keep out of her radar for a bit. Your mansion is one of the most well hidden houses in the world. Stay that way." Ansley scooted out of the chair, followed after Jesse. Joss scooted out, allowing Milo too as well.

  "Take care of yourself Ansley. There's so few Purebloods left. We have to look out for each other." Jesse said, shaking his hand.

  "You take care as well." He shook hands with Milo, his eyes resting on Joss. "Nice to meet you." He said before disappearing into a black misty fog.

  Joss quickly looked around, but noticed no one was even bothering to look at them. He let out a breath, looking back at Jesse and Milo.

  "Well that was pleasing news." Milo sighed.

  "So, Dawn is back and looking for revenge. Nice." Jesse said. He looked over at Joss, noticing how uncomfortable he was.

  Jesse cleared his throat. "We should head back to the mansion. Figure this out." Jesse explained.

  Milo nodded, reaching his hand out, he dropped it on Joss' shoulder, startling him slightly. They disappeared into the dark fog, appearing in the familiar room. Joss nearly toppled over, making his way to the door. His head spun since he was not used to the travel.

  Jesse reached out, helping to steady him. "You may wander for a bit, but do not go outside. Milo and I have things to discuss." He said.

  Joss nodded, as Jesse released him. He walked away with Milo at his side. Joss gulped. Finally he had freedom. He made his way down the hall until he reached the stairs. Making his way down them he decided it was time to search the place. Walking down the hallway left of the stairs, he found more rooms, some of them looking as if they haven't been occupied in years. The one that made him curious though was the locked with a keypad. Everything else in this mansion was old but the keypad looked brand new. He knitted his eyebrows, looking around to see he was indeed alone.

  He reached for the door, and found it was inevitably locked. He wanted to push in some codes but knew it was a very bad idea.

  So he decided to move on to the kitchen, taking in the beautiful marble counter and the gray two door fancy fridge. The cupboards were made of both wood and glass showing off expensive China. Almost everything was fancy and it made him feel like he wasnt in a home but a museum. It was cool.

  As he made his way to another room, he heard footsteps behind him. Startled he turned around to see it was a woman with long blonde hair, red lipstick and a red and blank pantsuit look. The back door was opened so Joss could only assume she came from there.

  "Little one, could you tell me where Milo and Jesse are?" She asked her voice thick with an Australian accent.

  "Who are you?" Joss asked.

  "Stella. Now about those boys."

  As if on cue Milo and Jesse appeared in the kitchen with their eyes furrowed. "Stella? What brings you by?" Milo asked.

  She pulled a manilla folder out of her bag and handed it off to Jesse. "An assignment. Rogues have attacked a popular charity event in L.A. if this continues exposure is inevitable. Take care of this." She said. "And do it discreetly please."

  Milo and Jesse nodded. "Got it."

  She bowed, looking iver at Joss once more before walking out of the back door.

  "Another mission. Great." Jesse groaned, throwing the manilla folder on the counter.

  "Just what we needed." Milo sighed, leaning against the counter.

  Joss walked over to them. "When will you be leaving?" He asked.

  "Now I guess." Jesse groaned.

  Joss nodded.

  Milo noticed the uneasiness in Joss' face, causing him to smirk. He walked over to Joss, putting a hand firmly on his shoulder. "We will be back. You stay." He said. "Try not to go outside if you can resist it." He warned.

  Joss nodded. Milo stepped back, eyeing Jesse who had a look of confirmation. Joss watched as both of them disappeared into the black smoke.

  Almost immediately Joss felt a sharp pain in his stomach, causing him to groan, dropping to his knees. He now knew it was because they left, but it didn't make it hurt any less.

  Trying to ignore it, he got onto shaking legs, trying to make his way to the bedroom. The sickness had other plans.

  As he made it to the stairs, his eyes rolled into the back of his head, causing him to collapse on the bottom of the steps, his breathing labored.


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