The Vampires Pet:[4]

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When Joss woke up, his coughing fit started up right away and with the amount of darkness surrounding him he knew it was night time. Slowly he sat up from the bed, vertigo hitting him immediately and if it wasn't for his slow movements he definitely would have thrown up. Was he sick?

  Once fully upright, he crawled out of bed looking over at the balcony to see the full moon blaring into the bedroom. He sighed, rubbing the side of his temples, trying to calm his growing headache. His gaze went back to the balcony, thinking some fresh air would do him good. He slid off the bed, stepping outside, taking in a deep breath of the cool summer night. He felt better already, breathing in some of the fresh air.

  His eyes slowly opened, taking in the scenery. The waves crashed against the island, moving with the light breeze. The trees also started rustling. He wanted to walk the island but knew he couldn't.

  "Taking in the scenery?" Joss looked over his shoulder, spotting Milo and Jesse walking into the room. What threw him off was the blood on their outfits. Joss gulped, making his way back into the room.

  "Uh yeah... I was feeling sick. So... stepping outside cleared me a bit." He explained, plopping in the bed.

  Jesse and Milo shared a smile. "It wasn't sickness." Said Jesse.

  Joss knitted his eyebrows. "Then.... what was it?" He asked.

  Milo cleared his throat, stepping towards him. "It was... well our saliva has a potent kind of... drug to it. Most humans called it the Vampires lure. You crave more and you also get sick the further away we go. It does pass after a couple days, but thats why you got sick. You crave to protect us as well as crave our attention. You probably don't even notice it yourself when you do it. Even when kidnapped you will always try to save us. Consider it the Vampiric Stockholm Syndrome." Milo explained, folding his arms. "You started feeling better when we got back, not stepping outside. But don't worry, only Purebloods possess this gift."

  Joss sighed. "Is that so? Wow... never would have guessed I'd suffer Stockholm syndrome but it makes sense." Joss explained. He looked outside before switching to Jesse and Milo. "Can I walk the property? I want to see the outside of this room."

  Milo and Jesse shared a look, both of them sharing a conversation with their eyes. Jesse shrugged. "I guess so, but you will have to be... leashed."

  Joss lifted a brow, not sure if he liked the way that sounded. Milo walked over to a drawer, pulling out what he thought it would be. A collar that was sexualized and a chain leash. Joss gulped, for some reason getting a bit turned on by the look of the leash and collar in Milo's hand.

  He watched Milo close the space between them, unclasping the collar. Joss extended his neck, making it easier for Milo to put it on. When it closed around him, Joss felt like he was back in high school when he used to wear a choker. Once the collar was on, Jesse unlocked his ankle.

  "Let us change before we go." Milo said.

  Joss nodded, sitting back down on the bed. Jesse and Milo left the room. Joss reached for the cold pizza, eating a slice as he waited patiently for them. A couple minutes passed and they came back in, not covered in blood.

  "Where would you like to start?" Milo asked, grabbing the leash.

  Joss shrugged. "Take me on an adventure I guess." He said, bending down to put his shoes one. Once they were, he followed them out into the hall, walking behind them as he took in the mansion.

  When they came to the main room, Joss was in awe at the dark red and gold colors that complimented the rest of the mansion. The front door was a black, wooden double door that did not look as if its been touched in centuries. The windows were also that way, giving off an odd, foggy glow in the moonlight. The floorboards were creaky as well, giving the mansion character.

  "This is beautiful." Joss breathed, as they made it to the front doors. Milo and Jesse chuckled, taking in Joss' face.

  "You think this is beautiful, wait until you see outside." Responds Jesse as he opened the door.

  Joss' jaw dropped when he stepped into the front door. The floor had overgrown grass to his shin, blowing like an ocean itself in the wind. From the beautiful wooden encased in vine gate was a stone path leading up to the mansion doorway. Along the stone path were oil lanters that glowed bright in the night. Around them was sea and forest something Joss couldn't seem to get enough of.

  "I've always wanted to see the ocean. Never did I expect such a beautiful scenery to accompany it." Joss said, smiling like an idiot. The scene felt complete with the full moon as well.

  He felt two hands land on his shoulders. Looking up he saw that it was Milo and Jesse's hands. He blushed, taking in the scenery.

  Though it was all ruined by a phone call. Joss knitted his eyebrows. He never got service on his phone so how did they? Milo pulled his phone out, his face contortions into concern.

  "Ansley? What is it?" He asked.

  There was a pause and Milo cursed. "Okay. Thank you for telling me. If you need a safe place our home is open to you." He said.

  Another pause, this one longer.

  "Yes. I will meet you there. Stay low until then." He said, hanging up.

  "What has Ansley calling you?" Jesse asked.

  Milo sighed, looking at the curious Joss. "His hideout in the desert was attacked by rogues. He managed to get away and now the rogues are after him." He explained.

  "Dammit. This is the 3rd pureblood to get attacked in a month. What are the Rogues planning?" Jesse asked.

  "I don't know but we need to meet him in London." Milo looked at Joss. "I think we should bring Joss with us. Leaving him alone with Rogues attacking won't be wise."

  Joss felt his stomach flip. He wanted to see what they were like outside of the mansion. He smiled at that and Jesse snorted. "I guess that is wise." Jesse reached for the collar, but Joss grabbed his hands, stopping him.

  Milo and Jesse both shared a shocked expression with him. Joss swallowed. "Keep it on.... with how thick it is, it covers the bite marks. Plus I like the way it looks." He said.

  "I'm not arguing with that." Milo smirked.

  Jesse agreed, taking the leash off, throwing it at the front door. "We should get going then."

  Joss nodded, reaching for Milo's arms. Milo grabbed his and the familiar darkness took them over. Finally Joss was able to leave. He was losing his mind in that room. He closed his eyes, waiting for the darkness to lighten up.

  When it did, he was in the one place he has always wanted to see. London.


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