The Vampires Pet: [9]

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Joss opened his eyes, adjusting to the darkness around him. He looked down, realizing he was still holding onto Jesse. Quickly he jumped away, clearing his throat. Jesse chuckled, turning to the others. Joss looked around, realizing they were in a church.

Joss gulped, putting his hands into his jacket pocket, turning towards the others. Milo and Jesse turned to Ansley and Joyce, talking to them about something Joss didn't understand. Instead he decided to take in the place they were at. It was obvious the church was old from the splitting wood to the chipped paint. Some of the glass was shattered and a few of the pews were dusted with cob webs. Joss slowly stepped away from the others, spotting a broken floorboard near the corner of one of the pews.

  Squatting down, he spotted something metallic. Reaching for it, he pulled it out of the ground. It was a silver chain, with a Rosarie attached to it. Bringing it up, the back was engraved with only a date.


  Joss stood up, looking back at the others who were still discussing. "I dont mean to interupt but I found this right here." Joss says, snatching their attention.

  Milo swiftly made his way to Joss first, grabbing the Rosarie from Joss. When his hand grazed the purple stone, a rash appeared. He scoffed.

  "Whats wrong?" Joss asked, instinctively grabbing Milo's hand.

  Milo turned to the others. "Its a Rosarie with Tusli." He snapped.

  "Tusli? Let me see that." Without really asking, Joyce pulled the Rosarie out of his hand, examining it closely. "Whoever this belonged to knows how damaging this stuff can be. Strange to find it lying around here. We haven't been back in 20 years." He explained, handing it back to Joss.

  Ansley sighed. "As much as a mysterious Rosarie is intriguing, we came to France to find some clues on Dawn. I suggest we get back to that."

  "You're right. We should get going." Jesse followed Ansley and Joyce out of the church. Milo grabbed Joss' hand before he could follow.

  "Whats wrong?" Joss asked, lifting a brow at Milo.

  Milo sighed. "If this turns sideways and something goes wrong. Grab a hold of one of us and quick. Try not to get caught by any means, understood?" He asked.

  Joss nodded. "Got it."

  Milo nods, following behind the group. Joss was close behind, keeping his hands clasped behind his back. As they exited the church, they were outside in the dark, storm clouds forming to block out the moons light. The smell of coffee and freshly baked bread assaulted his nose, causing him to turn to see a Cafe just next to them.

  The longer Joss stared, the more he noticed one of the people in the Cafe were watching them. A man with a suit, long blonde hair pulled back into a bun. He had a nicely trimmed beard, his eyes fixed on the group.

  "Guys, I think we have company." Joss says.

  Jesse turns to face Joss, who was still eyeing the Cafe. Following, Jesse groaned, causing Joss to jump. "Why am I not surprised to see Alarick here?"

  The man now known as Alarick, stood from the Cafe table, dropping a few bills on the table as he placed a glass on top of the money. Fixing his jacket, he made his way over to the group, his eyes never really leaving Joss though.

  "What do you want now?" Asked Jesse.

  Alarick chuckled. "Now, now boys. I just came to deliver a message." Before Joss could register, his neck was being held in a chokehold, Jesse and Milo jumping towards him in protest.

  "Let him go!" Milo shouts.

  Alarick smirked. "Dawn says to stop looking. If you don't, she will hunt down your precious human. Everyone knows now that you have such a fine specimen with you. She wants you to sit and wait for her to come to you." He relayed the message, smirking.

  "Let him go." Jesse bit out.

  Joss felt the hand tighten, causing him to struggle against the hand. He grabbed for the arm, trying to pry it free, but he just didn't have the strength. He choked out against the hand, startling Jesse and Milo.

  "Does this mean you chose to be on Dawn's side?" Joyce asked.

  "Well yeah. I chose the side that's winning. We had a good... mutual agreement, but It's broken now." He turned back to Jesse and Milo. "Agree to stop and I'll let your precious human go."

  The arm tightened, this time, Joss felt it press his windpipe close. He struggled for breath. Milo noticed this. Using his quick thinking and the shadows, he sliced Alaricks ankle, who released Joss slightly. Using the small window of time, Joss kicked Alaricks shin, before ducking under him and running into Milo's arms.

  Alarick chuckled. "You've got some nerve. I look forward to a nice cat and mouse chase." He says, before disappearing into the black Vampiric teleportation.

  Joss finally allowed himself a breather, his knees growing weak as he slumped against Milo. His throat throbbed with the phantom pressure that was once pressed against his windpipe. Joss brought a hand up, not realizing how much he was shaking. He pressed it against his neck, rubbing side to side to ease the tender skin under his collar.

  Milo grabbed Joss' shoulders, pulling him away from his body to examine Joss. "Are you okay?" He asks.

  Joss cleared his throat, finding it hard to look Milo in the eyes. "Uh... I will be." He whispers, looking over to the Cafe.

  Jesse sighed. "That was too close a call. Perhaps keeping him at the hideout was a better call."

  Joss shook his head. "No. Being left alone is just as dangerous and gives them more leverage if I'm caught. I want to stick with you all. More is better than none." He explained, finally able to look at them. He reached behind him to unhook his collar, exposing the redness of his neck and the multiple bite marks. Joss rubbed at the raw skin, flinching when his fingers grazed against the bite marks. Milo turned to Joyce who had a gray scarf around his neck.

  He snatched it, ignoring the shout of protest. He wrapped it around Joss, who shot back startled. "Keep this one. It won't be as suffocating as the collar, but it will hide the bite marks."

  Joss blushed, reaching up to rub the scarf gently. He's never had anyone really take this type of care and approach to him. It made his veiwing of them even more different.

  Milo cleared his throat, turning to Ansley and Joyce. "What do we do now? Dawn is not going to let up."

  Ansley folded his arms, leaning against a lamp post. "Then we don't either. Yes your pet is under her radar, but if we keep him close to one of us at all times she can't really get to him now can she? I doubt she would willingly come out herself, so we can expect a return of Alarick and whoever else the whore has twisted around her fingers."

  Jesse placed his hands on his hips. "Then we press on." He turned to Joss. "Are you going to be okay with this?"

  Joss nodded. "Being a target isn't something new for me. Back at home I was bullied at school and beat by my step-dad. I can handle a price tag on my head."  He explained. "So where shall we start?"

  Joyce smirked. "Where we were already heading to. The bunker of Denizens."

  Joss was about to ask, but decided he would find out when they get there. Instead he kept quiet and walked inbetween Milo and Ansley, keeping his back and front protected from potential snatching.

  Joss just hopes they get the answers they are looking for soon. He doesn't know how long he will be comfortable being a target. He may sound confident outloud, but that was the opposite inside.

  Joss kept his head down, following them down the streets, keeping quiet as the others talked. He didn't know exactly what was going on, but... if he does, is he ready for this?

A/N: sorry for the long delay!!! But here you are!!!

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