The Vampires Pet: [1]

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"Joss, ya coming?"

"Yeah just give me a second, gotta text work." Joss says, quickly finishing out his text before jogging closer to Micah. They were nearing the bonfire that happened to be in the middle of one of the most spooky forests. Joss hated this forest, mainly because of the amount of creepiness he gets from it.

As they walked up the path, music could be heard and the small light of a fire was seen. They had arrived after 25 minutes of hiking up a trail. When Joss entered he immediately felt like leaving. His stomach fluttered with bad feelings the moment he stepped into the party. His gut was telling him to leave but he didn't want to leave Micah here alone, so biting the bullet, he walked into the party.

Micah went for one if the coolers immediately, snatching one of the beers. Joss rolled his eyes. He couldn't drink since he was the designated driver tonight. He had an early weekend class at his college so he couldn't afford to be hung over.

"Well ima go mingle with the ladies! Try not to be a sour puss tonight!" Micah says, jogging away from Joss.

Joss rolled his eyes, walking around the fire to Ashley who was his other friend. "Hey, you look good tonight." He said making Ashley smirk.

"OH is that so? Guess I dressed correctly then." She chuckled. "What are you doing here? Micah said you weren't coming."

Joss shrugged. "Changed my mind. My step dad decided to come home early from his trip to Chicago and I didn't feel like getting beat today." Joss explained.

Ashley nodded in understanding. "Fair enough. You drinking?" She asked, holding up a solo cup.

Joss shook his head. "No. I have to drive Micah home tonight." He explained. "I'll be right back. I need to piss. I'll catch ya in a minute."

Ashley smirked. "Don't get attacked by wild animals. Especially with your dick out." She shouted after him.

"Fuck off, Ashley." He could hear her laughing as he made his way from the party. He passed a few unfriendly faces, but the ones that he didn't know all seemed to eye him the deeper he went. He shook their stares off and continued into the forest, only able to feel the vibrations of the loud music as he was swallowed in the natural darkness of the forest. Finally he was alone.

Taking a piss he felt relieved. Once he was done he turned, only to stop in his tracks. He heard footsteps behind him, causing him to grow cold. Was it a mountain lion? A bear?

"A lost puppy. Who'd have known." Joss nearly sighed of relief, turning around he was facing two boys that towered over him.

"Oh its just people. Sorry I thought you were something else. What are you doing this far from the party?" Asked Joss, folding his arms.

The boys looked at each other, clearly not expecting this kind of a reaction from him. "Party?" One of the asked.

This set Joss back a bit, the bad feeling in his stomach growing. "Yeah, the bonfire just a few minutes from here." He said, though it was clear his voice was shaking.

The taller one stepped forward, causing Joss to step back. "We don't know anything about a party. All we know is a lone human lost his way." He said.

Joss took another step but didn't get to react fast enough. His arm was grabbed and he was slammed against a tree, an arm pressing against his collar bone. Joss shook the initial shock, looking up at the boys. With his eyes now adjusted to the darkness and with them being closer, it was clear they weren't from around here.

"You are not going anywhere. We finally have prey out here." He said.

Joss felt all his color drain from his face when he spotted the glimpse of sharp teeth. His head was spinning. What the fuck was happening.

"What... what are you?" Joss asked.

"A question for the philosophers." Said one of them as they leaned in. Joss was frozen, not aware of what was happening.

Suddenly a white hot pain appeared at his neck and instead of screaming like they thought, Joss moaned. The feeling of the bite hurt at first but then it seemed to give him a pleasure he loved. His whole body was now on fire and when the one who initially bit him pulled away, shocked at the reaction, Joss noticed the blood dripping from his mouth. How hard did this man bite him?

"That wasn't what I was expecting." The one who bit him said.

"No, but it was kind of hot." He leaned over his friends shoulder. "Do you get a turn on with pain?"

Joss gulped, feeling his stomach flip. "I'll take that silence as a yes." Said the one who bit him. He turned to his friend with a smirk. "Why don't we keep him as a pet. Someone who turns horny when bitten? We couldn't ask for a better blood bag, Milo."

The other one smirked. "Now you are thinking, Jesse."

Milo smirked at Joss. "Looks like you will be our pet until we are bored with you. Welcome to the Vampires Den." Milo whispered.

Before Joss could say anything, he saw darkness envelope him. Not the kind of knock out darkness, but the kind of darkness in a moonless cave. Joss panicked, but the weird thing about this darkness was that he was holding onto something or someone solid that he couldn't see.

When the darkness disappeared, he was blinded by light of a blaring chandelier, causing him to throw himself onto something soft. A bed. Joss groaned, slowly taking his time into getting used to the light surrounding him.

Once he did he came out of his shell, to finally see the friends in the light. One of them, Milo, had long black hair that was gelled back, while in a black pressed suit. He had his hands in his pocket but blood remained on his lips.

Jesse had a black chin length Bob cut that was wild with its curls. He wore a jean jacket, skinny jeans and converse. They were like complete opposites. Joss slowly stood up.

"You look less menacing in the light." Joss spoke truthfully.

Jesse laughed. "We just kidnapped you and thats the first thing you say to us?"

Joss actually couldn't believe it himself. But they didn't give off a bad vibe, not like the forest. His mother taught him if it didn't give you a bad feeling it wasn't meaning to kill you... at least not anytime soon.

"I guess so?" Joss said.

Milo stepped forward, closing the gap, he grabbed Joss' jacket and quickly took it off, exposing his neck and his t-shirt. Joss felt a small ebb of uneasiness in his stomach as he watched Milo take him in. He was so fixated on him he hadn't realized the friend. Joss felt a shackle on his ankle which caused him to freak a bit.

"Just a little insurance, though this mansion we own is in the middle of nowhere, we didn't want you trying anything stupid." Said Jesse.

Joss scoffed, looking down at the black, shackle on his ankle. "We will be back. We have some matters to attend to, little bat." Milo said, running a hand through his hair.

Joss scoffed, watching them leave the giant room. Once they were gone, Joss rushed to the balcony next to the bed and peaked out, his stomach nearly dropping. He was indeed in the middle of nowhere. The sea could be seen from the balcony and from what Joss could tell, this was a remote island. Great, just his luck to be kidnapped by two Vampires on a deserted island shackled. What else did life have for him that would completely change him?

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