The Vampires Pet: [13]

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Micah only seemed to stare at Joss for the longest time before finally registering what had happened. He shot up into a sitting position, grabbing hold of Joss' shoulder as if to test he was really there.

"Is that really you, Joss?" He asked.

Joss nodded. "Yeah," he reached out to give Micah a hug, and Micah accepted.

"Where the fuck have you been?!" He shouted, pulling out of the hug just as quickly. His eyes darted around, finally noticing the eyes on them. He glared. "You were kidnapped?" He whispered.

"Your friend is quite the looker as well, though with a bit of an attitude." Says Ansley.

He leaned closer to Joss, still eyeing Ansley. "What is going on, J?"

"I'll get you up to speed, but first, how did you know who Jesse was?" He asked, pointing to Jesse who was still standing next to them.

Joss got to his feet, stretching a hand for Micah, who accepted as he helped him to his feet. "There was an attack in the woods. 2 of them died, one survived. He said monsters in the form of men attacked them and took you hostage. When he described what he saw, I tried to keep a look out. Then I find one of them in the store. I don't really remember much after that."

"So one managed to slip through our fingers. Delightful. No doubt Eirina will be paying us a visit for that." Milo grumbled.

Joss turned to Milo with a concerned look on his face. "Can I tell him everything? It'll help explain the situation."

Milo motioned his hand as if it was a 'go ahead' kind of gesture. Joss pointed to upstairs. "We will be in the room," he turned and grabbed the bag from Jesse. "Thank you for going. I'll be down in a few. Please keep these animated eves droppers away." Joss mainly pointed to Alistair who looked midly offended.

With that, he grabbed Micah's wrist with his non injured hand and rushed him up the long staircase, turning until they made it into his room. Once in there, he closed the door and turned on the light. He walked over to the bed and put the bag of groceries down, before plopping onto the bed.

Micah stood awkwardly by the door, his chin length curly blonde Bob cut seemed to be the victim of Micah's awkwardness as he kept shoving the hair behind his ears. Joss couldn't help but chuckle.

"Come sit down, I'll tell you everything that's hsppened." Joss patted the bed next to him.

Micah walked over and sat on the edge, his feet still touching the ground. "Start from the beginning. This is all so strange."

Joss nodded. "I know. It was strange for me too." He sighed. "I guess I'll start from the party." Joss reached for the bag and pulled out a water bottle. Chugging it before he decided to continue. He started the story of the party, how he was nearly raped and "saved" by Milo and Jesse. He didn't get into a lot of the details about the kinky stuff, sparing his best friend of those details.

Micah didn't seem to want to understand anything that Joss was spilling, but he kept going. When it got to the Vampires lure, Micah finally spoke up.

"So it's a drug? You were drugged?" He asked.

Joss' head went back in surprise at the question. He never really thought of it like that but the more he thinks about it the more that question made sense. He was drugged, just not in the traditional way.

"I mean... now that you put it like that, I guess I was." Joss shook his head. "The point is that I was affected by it..." Joss continued on, trying hard to ignore Micah's commentary about how suspect everything that Joss spouted sounded.

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