The Vampire's Pet: [12]

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Joss woke up, unaware he had even fallen asleep on the sheet-less bed. Reaching up, he scrubbed the grogginess from his eyes, looking around the room for some sort of indication for the time of day. With no luck, Joss got out of bed and walked to the door, prying it open to be met with a dark hallway. Joss got a pit in his stomach, hearing the unusually quiet and dark hallway.

Cautiously, he took a step out of the room, sticking close to the left side of the wall as he made his way over to the stairs. Peering down to find the same kind of stillness as the hallway. Joss gulped, making his way down the stairs until he was in the Foyer. He looked down at each individual hallway before landing on the kitchen.

Making his way there, he flipped on the switch only to be met with no power. Now he was really getting antsy. Grabbing his phone, Joss turned the flash on so that he could actually see what was going on until he finally noticed it. A storm was happening outside of the double glass doors that was the backdoor.

The trees were whipping about as the ocean that surrounded the mansion was crashing against the sides of the rocks, dousing the backyard in Ocean. No wonder the power was out with this kind of storm around. But it still didn't answer his question of where Milo and Jesse were. Hell, he didn't even see Ansley or the slimy pit ball that was Joyce.

A loud thud in the other room made Joss yipe as he slammed against the counter. His heart raced to the point that his adrenaline wasn't allowing him to hear anything else but the rush of blood in his ears. Joss grabbed for one of the kitchen knives that were stashed on the counter, testing to make sure it was real. Confirming it was, Joss slowly made his way back to the Foyer, hiding the knife behind his back.

With the door opened, Joss could only make out a lump of clothes on the floor that was panting heavily. The cloth was a heavy Victorian looking jacket, or at least that's what Joss could make out. He stepped closer to the heaving person, only to be slammed against the floor in a blink of eyes.

Joss let out a scream, the hand that held the knife no longer behind his back. Instead, it was pinned above his head along with his other hand. Joss finally adjusted to the figure that was soaking wet with long black hair that draped over his shoulder and onto Joss' collar bone and neck. The man's eyes were bright purple, making Joss pale.

"A treat greeting me as I arrive, how lovely." A deep old American accent accompanied this man which Joss did not expect.

Joss used his wrist to twist the blade down and stab the man in the arm. This allowed for a free hand, allowing Joss to shove the man off of him. He wasn't h
Nearly as strong, he managed to get his legs free, at least.

Joss yanked at his other hand that the man still held, trying his hardest to free himself. The man chuckled. "To think a blood bag would fight a pureblood is quite entertaining. But alas, I am stronger than you are, little one." To prove his point, Joss' hand was yanked hard, and he fell to his hands and knees in front of the man. This position was humiliating, not to mention Joss felt completely helpless. Vowing to do better for himself wasn't going too well.

"Seems like my appetite has reached its peak," Joss felt a sharp pain in his wrist, but instead of being turned on like with Milo or Jesse, Joss felt pure pain. It didn't feel anything like theirs, and frankly, it bothered him.

Joss kicked the man in the stomach. "Let go of me!" He shouted, trying to pry his arm free of this man's grip and mouth.

And as if a saving grace happened, Joss felt his arm be freed and the man no longer holding him. He heard grunts, then a slam just as the lights turned on. Joss grabbed a hold of his arm, looking up to see Milo pinning the man to the closed front door while Jesse, Ansley, and Joyce stood by the stairs.

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