The Vampire's Pet: [16]

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Joss grabbed Micah's arm with his uninjured hand and dragged him closer to the back, nearly losing his footing with the whipping winds still ever present. Micah could sense Joss' shaking and his lack of coordination and decided to take over.

"Alistair!" Micah shouted, catching the creeps attention. Alistair seemed to light up at Micah's voice, quickly killing the Rogue he was taunting and appearing next to them.

"You used my name, how exciting." He teased.

Micah rolled his eyes, looking past him to the backyard that was filled with corpses. "Where are the others?" He asked.

"Inside the house, fighting hellhouds and rogues." Alistair explained. He smelled blood and poked his head behind Micah to see Joss holding a wrapped arm to his chest. "Oh my, run into trouble did we?"

"They were in the bathroom." Joss says, his voice small.

"Right, let's get you guys away from here." Alistair reached down and lifted Joss into a bridal style carry, nodding for Micah to follow. Joss didn't protest, knowing damn well he would waste his energy. Alistair rushed us outside of the fenced area and near the other side of the island, away from the fight. Only complaint Joss had was that they were closer to the raging sea.

"I'll go get Jesse and Milo, you two wait out here." For the first time, Alistair sounded like a normal human being. No theatrics and no unnecessary hand movements as he spoke. It was oddly satisfying yet not.

Micah watched as Alistair disappeared into the house before scoffing to himself in disbelief. "Can't believe I'm saying this, but I like him better when he speaks and acts normally." Micah mumbled.

Joss laughed, thankful for the distraction. "Don't let him hear that. He might not leave you alone."

Micah turned his attention to Joss, watching the blood slowly seep out of the fabric. Micah cursed. "We need to get the bleeding under control."

Joss nodded. "We need a doctor." He whispered. "Pretty sure this is going to need surgery."

"Joss!" Came the familiar voices of Jesse and Milo.

Joss couldn't help the tears that formed in his eyes hearing their voices. He turned to face them, getting up with the help of Micah. He stumbled a few steps before Jesse caught him, lowering him back down to the ground.

"I was so scared!" Joss cried out.

Micah took a step back. He's never seen Joss look so scared. Not even when he was beaten by his step-dad, he never broke down crying like he was now. It made Micah's heart ache, seeing his best friend so distraught.

"We know, sorry for not being there." Milo whispers, holding Joss' shoulders.

Joss continued to shake like a leaf in Jesse's arms, crying. Micah scratched the back of his head. "He needs stitches. We have to get him to a hospital."

Milo nodded. "That's not a problem. Kai can help there. He should be here-"

"I'm here. What needs to happen?" Kai appeared, his face scratched up, and his chest littered with splatters of blood.

"Joss needs surgery, and you can manipulate them to forget it." Jesse explained.

Kai nodded. "Who am I taking?" He asked.

Joss had fallen asleep, but his face was twisted into pain and he was extremely pale. "Take Joss and Micah. Tell me what hospital you guys decide to go to and we will meet you there. Most of the rogues have scampered off so we will finish cleaning up here."

Micah shook his head. "We should take at least one more with us for protection."

"I will go," Alistair volunteered, appearing next to Micah.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2023 ⏰

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