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the girl stepped off the train, with her duffle bag slung on her shoulders as she walked. the chilly december air nipped at her exposed skin as she walked. she looked around for the blonde boy who had sworn that he'd come pick her up this time.

"ymari-chan!" a familiar voice called out to her.

she whipped her head to the side only to be met by dark brown eyes. the sight of a blonde male in a pair of black training shorts, a white shirt, and running shoes waving at her brought a small smile to her lips.

"ohayō." she waved as the boy approached her.

he was holding two cups of coffee takeout and a box of what she could only guess was food.

"ohayō." he greeted once he was beside her.

the slight height difference was obvious, but nevertheless, the girl didn't seem to be intimidated. after all, she was tall having been 5'9, or 175.8cm during her last measurement. she could only guess how much taller she's gotten over the past two months.

"i bought this for ya'." he handed her the tall cup of coffee.

"and this too." he motioned to the box of takeout food he held in his hands. "it's onigiri. figured ya' would be hungry afta' such along trip. ya' could eat 'em at the gym."

the girl nodded a him in thanks, "you didn't have to, though "

"'ay, i'd be a terrible boyfriend if i let me' dearest starve." he gave her a cheeky wink, making her laugh a bit.

she smiled, "arigato, 'tsumu."

he'd found the girl rather nice. she wasn't like his fangirls who were too obsessive and rude. she was just right. he's got to admit,the girl was rather intimidating at first, but as they conversed last weekend, he found himself getting fond of her carefree antics that slipped through her kuudere facade once in a while.

the boy grinned, "anything for me' dearest."

"say, what was that 'i love you' for, anyway?" he asked out of the blue, remembering the girl's sudden confession the other day.

the girl didn't so much as blush as she looked at him, "oh that."

she put her vacant hand in her tracksuit pocket while her left hand brought the coffee to her lips as she drank.

"i knew something was up. you emailed me all of a sudden and then asked for my number to call me."

"was my guess correct?" she looked at him with concerned baby blue eyes- she was wearing the contacts again. "were they teasing you about that thing again?"

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