43 | boyfriend duties

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"cap.." ichigo entered the big three's hotel room where their captain was at, lying down on her bed with her eyes shut, and her chest heaving up and down slowly.

it was a few hours after she had late lunch with bokuto. it was half-past seven in the evening and the captain of the nippon basketball team was experiencing major fatigue.

she hadn't felt it earlier, but the repercussions of going against her own health had finally taken it's toll on her body a few hours after the game. she didn't notice it while she was taking a stroll and going to every single client she knew in the tournament. she didn't notice it either when she was with bokuto, eating late lunch and talking about anything and everything for an hour and a half. but the fatigue was there— she had once again overworked herself.

ichigo, seeing that her captain was sound asleep underneath the covers blinked and then sighed in guilt.

she knows they shouldn't have let her play. even though she said she had fun— which implied that it was okay, her health was put on the line. it didn't change the fact that she was supposed to be benched so she could rest. but alas, their lack of skill against the foreign team was their downfall. they were just fortunate enough that their captain was in the area to help them out.

"ichigo, is she awake yet?" hanuka asked the girl, also entering the room.

the pink haired power forward saw their captain and automatically thought the same things as the brunette center. "oh.."

she turned to ichigo, "what should we tell—"

"is ymari awake?" utsui, who had been waiting for their response outside the door finally popped into the room.

she saw her friend's condition and frowned. she really did overwork herself during the game. in addition to that, she also went to multiple clients today. the girl really was tiring herself out. utsui could help but worry.

utsui made her way over to ymari who was under the covers. her hand made its way to touch ymari's arms. the brunette's eyes widened slightly. she placed her hand on ymari's head and felt it.

she was searing hot. she had a fever.

she clicked her tongue, "i'll just let him in."

ichigo and hanuka blinked at her, startled by what she just said. "what?"

okay, rewind!

let's go back to approximately eight minutes ago when someone rang the penthouse doorbell and caused havoc— well, panic— in the nippon team.

"who's property is this?" takemichi asked once her white hat piece landed on a certain block.

"ha! whitechapel road— that's mine!" hanuka jumped up and down. "pay up, bitch!"

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