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SILENCE ENVELOPED THE ENTIRE ARENA. Nine games have already finished, and it was now time for the final game of the semi-finals round robin that would determine the match up for tomorrow's final event.

With the current standings, it was obvious who it would be already. No matter who wins this match, these two would be the final matchup tomorrow.

However, with an unfortunate and rather unexpected (to most) incident, the court was in tragedy.

Only one side full, the other empty.

Fast, shallow breathing was audible throughout the entire court, but she couldn't even hear herself due to the high-pitched ringing of desolation in her ears. The red-haired shooting guard of Australia's vermillion eyes stared at the ground lifelessly as heartburn emerged from this sick joke that trampled over her amour propre.

As if the visible absence didn't make it clear enough, the announcers decided to give voice to the axiomatic disparage that left the Australian team with an excruciatingly large bruise to their ego, made to feel vacuously worthless.

"Japan has withdrawn from the last semi-finals game. Winner by default – East's Australia"

The derogatory affair caused by conspicuous slander made Reo Hemmings' fists clench to her sides. Her lungs tightened in her chest as she labored against voicing out the lesion of her feelings– not like expressing her frustration would change anything.

All she could do was accept the vilification that condemned her soul to the lowest pits of hell allocated only to those who are identified as incompetent, ignominious, and inadequate in Seinaru's eyes.

And so, with traumatizing vexation, the matchup for the Junior Olympics' finals was decided – Japan versus Australia.


News articles were all over the place and reporters were trying their best to contact the Japan team's management to get an official statement from the captain or anyone. They just needed answers. If not answers, anything. Just a clue.

Why did Japan forfeit?

A thousand questions could branch from that one single question that refused to be answered.

Australia's camp did not want to be interviewed. They were trampled on, and frustration was imminent. Even their captain who was almost always calm and collected during scandals that surrounded her name has lost her composure and completely trashed the training area that Australia has rented out for them as soon as they got back to train at the place.

The rest of the Prodigal Five were horrified. With the implicit oath between the five of them that respect would be given to each other, this was its complete antipode. But deep within them, somehow, they have always known the pococurante leader simply did not care. She acknowledges them, sure. But respect? That's an exorbitant stipulation to expect from someone who they cannot stand on the same pedestal as.

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