111 | usa , you won't win

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THE GAMES PASSED by in a blur. It was as though time was flying by, and their adrenaline rush that constantly rose and fell was slowly getting to the members of each team in the round robin.

The current results were as follows:

Game 1: Japan vs Great Britain
169 – 143, winner – Japan

Game 2: USA vs Australia
152 – 150, winner – USA

Game 3: Japan vs Argentina
162 – 124, winner – Japan

Game 4: Australia vs Argentina
133 – 131, winner – Australia

Game 5: Great Britain vs USA
142– 144, winner – USA

Game 6: Argentina vs Great Britain
123 – 125, winner – Great Britain

Game 7 was about to begin in less than fifteen minutes, and the crowd was on the edge of their seats because both teams had equal wins so far. The 7th match-up is USA versus Japan.

With two wins and zero losses on their belt so far, the United States of America team proudly carried themselves on the court, their otherworldly heights close to the Argentina team's heights towered over onlookers that couldn't help but be amazed despite seeing them on the court for the past few hours.

"Can we just get this over with so I can get to my hair appointment?" Chanel Bryant, the 6'1 tan-skinned blonde from the USA team who plays small forward, looks at her right hand's nails sassily, while her left hand rested on her waist. "I don't even think this stupid team's worth my time anyway."

Skye Curry, a 6'2 light-skinned black-haired girl in cornrow braids rolls her eyes at her, "Chanel, shut the fuck up, no one cares."

The blonde scoffs, her hands going in a sassy motion, "Whatever, Skye. No one asked for your goddamn opinion."

"No one asked for you, and yet you're here." Skye retorted.

"Oh God, this is why I hate being seen in public with these assholes." Antoinette Davis, a 6'4 ½ tall brunette with ivory skin and pretty freckles groaned into her hands. "Shut the fuck up, both of you. You're embarrassing me."

The three started arguing about who should shut up.

"Settle down, kids." Lexia James, a 6'3 olive-skinned girl with her black hair in a clean ponytail chuckled. She looks at Seraphim who was silent as she looked over the other side of the court where the players of Japan were piling in one by one. "Help me out here, will you?"

Seraphim blinks, and then glances at the three girls who always do this before big games. Their dynamic was so utterly unique, but also so utterly embarrassing.

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