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"Fuckin' stop it already I'm on my way!" Aomine, who was surprisingly the first person awake inside the Olympic house at 5 in the morning and was making himself coffee, stomped his way to the front door as the doorbell continuously rang throughout the entire house. He's shocked that no one else got shaken awake by the heinous sound.

It's the morning of the semi-finals for them – both the female and male teams. The girls had a round robin, equating to five matches, that awaited them, meanwhile, the boys only had one match, as there were only four teams that made it, unlike the former.

The doorbell only rang louder at his quip, making his brows scrunch together into an even deeper scowl. "Whoever it is should be important otherwise –."

He throws the door open, his words coming to a halt as he looks at who was by the porch. Before he could get over his initial shock, the person pushes past him, entering the house with troubled eyes.

He blinks as he's left alone by the door, but then he quickly gets over it as he closes it behind him and follows the person who was already seated on the couch.

"Uh.." He clears his throat as he faces the woman.

"What are you doing here, Obaasan?" He asks, his tone a bit on edge as he wasn't really expecting the visit in the early hours of the day.

Sana Seinaru had a troubled look on her face, making Aomine gulp. It wasn't an expression often seen on the lady. For all the years his family has been acquainted with her, the woman almost never showed any expression aside from mischief and happiness.

But right now, her eyes reflected how utterly bothered she was by something. She was wearing her work attire, signifying that she must've gotten ready for work before she even decided to come here.

She faces Aomine, before letting out a shaky breath. "I couldn't sit still after last night, Daiki."

The boy blinks at his honorary aunt, "Obaasan.."

And then he remembers the dinner. "Is this because of the blonde kid that arrived with his' and Akashi's mom?"

She shook her head, "Not quite."

"In fact, that doesn't bother me at all." She continues. "It was an encounter we were bound to have one of these days."

"However, this is different." She points at the empty seat on the other couch, and Aomine sits there to listen to the woman. "You remember how Ymari used to be.. an Amanozako?"

He nods. He remembers very well. That surname used to be the one plastered all over basketball monthly, despite her just being in primary school back then. The girl's always been a legend. So, when her surname suddenly changed before elementary ended, everyone was in shock, but moved past it quickly, seeing as the girl herself or her talents and skills weren't what that changed, just the last name.

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