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Everyone chose their partner many of them even asked Bondita but she refused because she wanted to go with Andrew but she could not see him and suddenly someone back hugged her and it was Andrew
Bondita-Andrew where were u
Andrew-chill miss Bondita I was just preparing something
Bondita-what were u preparing
Andrew-u will get to know but for now would u like to go to the ball with me
Bondita-yes sure
Andrew asked for Bondita's hand and she gave him her hand he took her to the ball area
There were partners like aniroma samnoy were dancing together but som and batuk were dancing with some other British girls
Andrew kept his hand on Bondita's waist and pulled her closer and snaked his hand around her waist and she kept her hands on his shoulder they were very close both of them were standing out from the crowd they were the most beautiful couple there nose was touching they both continued dancing until he said
Andrew-Bondita come I need to show u something
Bondita-sure let's go
Before Bondita could say anything more than that Andrew dragged her out of the hall
He took her to a majestic garden which was decorated amazingly
Bondita -omg Andrew this place is amazing it's so beautiful
Andrew-not much beautiful as u
Bondita-oh so u think I am beautiful
Andrew-Everyone thinks u are beautiful
Bondita blushed at his comment and in the next moment she got a shock u guys can play the song love story by Taylor swift she was so shocked but literally the happiest
Andrew the love of her life proposed her yes Andrew proposed her
Andrew-miss Bondita Roy Choudhary would u like to be my current girl friend and soon to be wife
Bondita-yes I would
Andrew put a beautiful blue sapphire promise ring on Bondita's hand and pulled her up and kissed her passionately and so did Bondita their lips were moving in sync and Bondita was above Andrew as he pulled her up it was literally a breath taking view the moon light was making it look so magnificent
They broke the kiss after both of them were out of breath they kissed for more than five minutes
Andrew-thank u so much Bondita for accepting my proposal I thought u would never say yes
Bondita-why did u thought that I would never say yes
Andrew-I mean u rejected everyone in school so I thought u would reject me too
Bondita-u are not everyone Andrew u are special
Andrew-thank u so much Bondita for being my girl friend and soon to be wife
Bondita-all my pleasures
Andrew hugged Bondita tightly her head was on his chest and his face lied on top of her head

And guess guess who saw it our Anirudh
Anirudh felt like the ground below his feet disappeared he was really sad extremely sad

Guys it's the smallest chapter I am extremely sorry I had some problems I promise the next time I will give u all a long chapter
Ps so so sorry

kya chunegi Bondita -anidita ya bondrew  (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now