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Andrew stopped his car in the hotel parking lot and locked his car
He entered the hotel and everyone bowed down at him
He was walking to the meeting room while his secretary was behind him holding his files
Andrew entered the conference room and was shocked to see the person before him in a great chair
The person had black dark hair jelled back with gold line glasses and a British suit .Can anyone guess who it is???????

It is none other than our great barrister Anirudh Roy Choudhary
His clothes

Anirudh povI was just sitting on my chair being frustrated at my secretary about who he booked the meeting withI hate when people come late and this person is super late the meeting was supposed to happen at 8:00 am and currently it is 9:05 am it'...

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Anirudh pov
I was just sitting on my chair being frustrated at my secretary about who he booked the meeting with
I hate when people come late and this person is super late the meeting was supposed to happen at 8:00 am and currently it is 9:05 am it's been an hour and five minutes and their is no sign of him appearing
And my dumb secretary who has booked this meeting without asking me and telling me who the person is
I am so mad at him and I can't even yell at him cause he isn't even here with me because he is sick
I am so angry I don't even know why I am here if he would have been here at proper time than I would have been at court solving cases for my country but look at me I am here sitting in this chair for more than an hour waiting for someone who I don't even know

It was 9:15 am and the door opened and I saw a young hot,charming and cute young boy
Wait he is too young to be a business man that to a successful one told by my secretary am I being pranked Seriously if this turns out to be a prank I am going to fire my secretary

End of pov

(Just letting u know Anirudh have never seen Andrew after coming from Germany but Andrew have because Bondita used to show her sakha babus pic to him)

Andrew entered the meeting and sat on the chair while his secretary was behind him
Anirudh-excuse me who are you? Why are u here? If u don't know this is a meeting I am here to meet a business man not a kid!!And how did they even let u in here ???
Andrew-relax relax !! I am the right person mr Anirudh
Anirudh-oh come on u are too young to be a business man
Andrew-actually no I am 20
Andrew's secretary-mr Anirudh he is sir Andrew William he is the business man
Anirudh-Andrew oh dear how are u
Andrew -I am fine mr Anirudh what about you
Anirudh-I am fine too
Both of them sat down and Andrew's secretary left for giving them private space to talk
Anirudh-so let's start shall we
Andrew-ya sure so ...................that is my view of the deal and I would really love if we merch together (I skipped the talking part as I have no idea on how it works all this deal is about is a alcohol brand and it will be a really expensive alcohol btw I don't support alcoholism but as I said it's about old times but also doesn't have resemblance with history and alcohol was pretty common in that era )
Anirudh -that looks like a pretty good deal I am impressed but what profits will we get
Andrew-so the profit distribution will be 40% for ur company and 60%for mine
Anirudh-why can't we do 50% and 50% why should I keep myself in lose
Andrew-it is not lose if u look at it as we will put our team on the ground and we have to pay them and u will not need to put ur team on the ground so u won't need to spend a dime so if u look at it it's actually a 50% 50% deal
Anirudh-mhmm understandable......I agree
Andrew-amazing here is the contract and we will start working from right now
Anirudh-great he said while signing the contracts
After signing the contract Anirudh said
Anirudh-now I wanna speak more in a private way
Andrew-u may
Anirudh-Andrew I am super happy for u
Andrew-thank u mr Anirudh
Anirudh-so as ur and Bondita's wedding is in a week I wanna take two promises from u I know u will take good care of her but still
Andrew-sure mr Anirudh I totally understand your concern
Anirudh-so first and foremost she may be a little stubborn but her heart is like a diamond so promise me not to break it cause if it breaks it cannot be mended
Andrew-I promise to never ever break her heart or let anybody else do it
Anirudh-second u will never leave her I have seen the sparkle in her eyes whenever she hears about u so if u leave her those sparkles will leave from her eyes and her heart so promise me u will never leave her hand
Andrew-I promise I will never leave her I swear on myself
Anirudh-good and now I shall leave I need to go home
Andrew-bye mr Anirudh
Anirudh went to Roy Choudhary mansion
Andrew went to his car while his secretary packed up his things and went to his own mansion
William mansion
Andrew's room
Andrew entered his room and sat on his couch and thought
Andrew-today I am very excited Bondita I will be meeting u in person after such a long time

Shopping mall
Bondita and Rhea reached the mall and were seeing wedding clothes for Bondita their were many gorgeous dresses but that didn't caught Bondita's eyes
After a two hour search Bondita found a wedding dress which was just stunning (I am not showing u here cause u will see that in their wedding chapter and they are not finding crowning dress as it will be sent by Andrew's parents)
Bondita-wow this is perfect
Rhea-ya this is and look how gorgeous ur looking in it amazing
Bondita-aww thanks
Bondita-excuse me
Shop owner-yes madam
Bondita-could u pack and send this dress in Roy Choudhary haveli
Shop owner-is it your marriage ma'am
Bondita-yes it is
Shop owner-ohk we will drop it off by evening and when will u like to pay
Bondita-can I pay it now itself
Shop owner-yes u can cash or credit
Bondita-credit please
Shop owner-sure follow me
The reach cash counter
Shop owner-well it is the most expensive dress so it is ₹4000 (at that time ₹4000 was like too too tooo toooooo much)
Bondita-ok she said and swiped her card
Shop owner-here is your receipt ma'am
Bondita-thank u
Shop owner -you're welcome ma'am and we will drop it to ur house my 5:00 pm is that fine
Bondita-ya it is
After saying this Bondita and Rhea went back to their car

That is it and this is my longest chapter till now
I hope u all enjoyed it
And I have planned on writing an yandere fanfic on anidita but I will update that after I finish this book
I will finish this book in the next five to six chapters
Pls vote and comment
Ps love u

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