Bhai babu

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A pretty and newly made barrister surely in her twenties was peeping outside the window of her train leading to Deenpur. She was frustrated as the 2 hour journey from Calcutta to Deenpur seemed to be a 2 days journey. She was feeling nostalgic after arriving at her homeland,India. She had missed the adorable scent of the soil, the lanes of tulsipur and everything about her country.
BONDITA: Finally!! I am back to my country.
So , ofcourse she was bondita.
She had been in contact with Andrew via telephone and letters....most of them were love letters....It could be depicted in the letters that how eager is Andrew to meet her love.
Same was the case with Bondita....They used to talk every day via telephone.....

As soon as she graduated she immediately informed her sakha babu......she told him that she fulfilled their dream....
"SAKHA BABU बन गयी आपकी बोनदिता BARRISTER BABU BONDITA...."
Anirudh was on cloud nine.....he told her to come back as soon as possible.....
ANIRUDH: Bondita am very happy....our dream has become true....Now come back to india and dont forget to inform Andrew .....U both have marriage also...I will take the responsibility of your marriage....come soon.
BONDITA: Ji sakha Babu...
They both were shedding happy tears...though they arent husband wife but their "mann ka rishta" was same and will remain same....
Then she informed Andrew
Andrew's happiness couldn't be bounded. He was so happy.
Andrew had also completed his studies and has already already departed for India....
Bondita informed him about Anirudh that he took the responsibility of their marriage....
Andrew didn't objected.
He never restricted BONDITA for talking with anirudh.

Lost in her dream land thinking about her future with Andrew, she slept, not before leaving a decent smile on her face.
After an hour , the train reached Deenpur and she immediately took her stuff and made her way outside the train.
She hadn't told anyone about her arrival except Anirudh and Andrew.....
Andrew was on his way from Germany so her beloved Sakha babu had come to pick her up.

Anirudh had already arrived at the station.
He was continuously looking at his watch and making sure if he had arrived at correct time.
Bondita instantly spotted him and promptly ran towards him.
BONDITA: boooooo
ANIRUDH: Aaaaaaaa...wth..who?
Bondita puffed her mouth because her sakha babu didnt recognise her.
instantaneously , After her this deed, anirudh figured it out that it was his pyari sakhi urf bondita.
ANIRUDH: Bondita....
Bondita looked at him and said,
"Yes!! Me but u couldn't recognise me...I will not talk to you.
Anirudh chuckled
ANIRUDH: bondita , now if you will appear suddenly infront of me then what could I do....sorry...I will do uthak baithak also if u insist....but plz dont be angry...
BONDITA: Okok... आप भी क्या याद रखेगे , बोन्दीता ने आपको माफ किया लेकिन उसके लिए आपको भी मुझे कुच देना होगा ।
ANIRUDH: What?Roshagulla?
BONDITA: Arre!, I know roshagullas are my weaknesses but I want something else.
BONDITA:Every year I tie rakhi to Batuk and Somnath dada...but according to me it isnt necessary to tie a rakhi to your brother only so if u dont mind, can I tie you rakhinthis rakshabandhan because u have always protected me.
ANIRUDH: Ofcourse Bondita, why would I mind...And Baba has already declared you as his daughter, so technically you have become my sister only....he laughed...
BONDITA: No , I dont wanna become your sister....u were , u are and u will remain my beloved sakha babu.....not bhai will be really awkward.
ANIRUDH: okok bondita, enough talks....u start chattering anywhere....let's go home now....
BONDITA : What , I chatter everywhere.....I have learnt this from u only......
ANIRUDH: OKOK , enough tarks....

Momentarily, they reached RC

Guys I know it is a short chapter but I swear next chapter will be big and as well this chapter isn't written by me actually @alankritaMahajan wrote this whole chapter cause I had violin practice for three hours and I also wrote some assignments so my hands are in dangerous pain so she wrote all of it
Hope u all like it and please vote and comment I request

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