Charachter introduction 2

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So I have some characters to introduce
1-belatrix malfoy-Andrew's sister-positive-Bondita and her have a relationship of best friends and five years older than Andrew
2-Lucious malfoy-bellatrix's husband-positive-treats Bondita as a younger sister-is powerful and influential in western countries after the Williams of course
3-rhea Roy Choudhary -Anirudh's adopted daughter-positive-is 18 -has a dark brown skin with brown beautiful eyes and straight black hair till a little below shoulder
4-Lily lestrange-five year old daughter of bellatrix she is very cute and treats Bondita like her mom as cause her mom is mostly busy on tours and Bondita can do double work
Bondita-Bondita now is a sweet but cunning girl who respects all people it doesn't matter to her who it is but when she gets angry their is a lot of damage and I have not shared her pic as u can imagine the most beautiful girl who has long luscious black hair till below waist and perfect curves and milky smooth tan white skin
Andrew-Andrew was a guy everyone would dream for he was extremely handsome and cute at the same time he loved Bondita the most and he too is the most scary person when angry I also haven't shared his pic
Ps love u

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