private matter

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This is Andrews clothes

All the family members came upstairs The senerio before them shocked them

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All the family members came upstairs
The senerio before them shocked them

Andrew was trying to protect his face with Bonditas pillow and Bondita was true to stop Rhea from throwing Chai at Andrews face but a little bit of it fell on his shirt
Anirudh-RHEAAAA he shouted as he saw her throwing that hot piping Chai on Andrews face but luckily he covered his face with Bonditas pillow
Because of Anirudhs shouting the trio consisting Bondita,Andrew and Rhea turned around
Andrew ran out of that room cause that Chai was making his white t shirt transparent and he knew it would make the woman around him uncomfortable
Anirudh-RHEA what the hell is this ???why In the world did u threw Chai at him
Rhea-baba he ki before she could complete Bondita covered rheas face with   her hands
Bondita-kuch nahi hua hai sakha babu aap chinta maat kijiye
Anirudh-par Bondita
Bondita-shhh sakha babu
Bondita-Rhea tum chalo mere saath
Rhea-par Bondita
Bondita looked directly in her eyes making her shaken
Bondita dragged Rhea out to another room
Bondita closed the door while Rhea stood there with her hands folded
Rhea-bondita tumne mujhe baba ko bolne kyu nahi diya Tum to barrister ho na fir bhi apne sath aise kese hone de sakti ho she said in a angry tone
Bondita-Rhea Rhea have a chill
Rhea-have a chill u are telling me that he literally kissed u Bondita without ur permission and don't u have a fiance what will he think she said in a concerned manner
Bondita-rhea shhhh!!!!!!!suno wohi mera fiance hai aur usne mujhe zabarzasti kiss nahi Kiya

Rhea-oh so he was ur fiance
Rhea-I am so sorry Bondita
Bondita-it's fine I guess
Bondita went to her room while Rhea went downstairs
Rhea went downstairs and saw questioning looks at her
Rhea-baba aap mujhe aise kyu dekh rahe hai
Anirudh-WHY DID U DO THAT ????He asked in full rage being damn angry on her (BTW just saying now Anirudh considers Andrew as a young friend)
Rhea-did what???she said angering him  more
Rhea-well I just got confused!!!!!!she said trying to explain him while also being scared
Anirudh-oh so u got a little confused and decided to throw hot piping tea at him!!come on Rhea u and I both know this is not the reason so tell me what it is!!!!!! He said trying to cool himself
Bondita came downstairs quickly as she heard the sounds of shouting
Bondita-SAKHA BABU she shouted
Bondita-Sakha babu aap ye kya Kar rahe daat kyu rahe hai isse aap
Binoy-Bondita u tell me what happened upstairs he said while being genuinely done with the drama
Bondita-oh well it's just a private matter between us three
Anirudh-BONDITA TELL WHAT HAPPENED THERE He said raging at his sakhi
Bondita-well Rhea just thought that Andrew was a creep who entered my room
Rhea-ya that I'd what I was trying to  say

Guys I know this is a small chapter but I am not free as I have school now and than violin lessons afterwards so this is what I wrote
Plsss vote and comment
Ps sorry and love u
Saranghae 💜💜💜💜

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